[Last Modified: May 6, 2015]
General Provisions ........................................................................................................................ 2
RULE 3: SCHEDULES AND OPERATIONS ............................................................................................... 3
RULE 5: DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 3
RULE 20: CAPACITY LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................. 9
RULE 25: PERSONAL DATA ....................................................................................................................... 10
RULE 30: INTER-AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION ...................................................................................... 10
RULE 35: REFUSAL TO TRANSPORT ....................................................................................................... 10
RULE 40: ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE ................................................................................................. 12
RULE 50: ACCEPTANCE OF CHILDREN ................................................................................................... 13
DEAF/FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE .......................................................................................... 14
RULE 85: SMOKE FREE SERVICE ............................................................................................................ 15
RULE 90: PASSENGER MEDICAL OXYGEN ............................................................................................. 15
RULE 95: CLAIMS ....................................................................................................................................... 16
RULE 100: TICKETS ...................................................................................................................................... 16
RULE 105: TICKET VALIDITY ....................................................................................................................... 18
RULE 110: ISSUANCE OF TICKET STOCK ................................................................................................. 18
RULE 115: CONFIRMATION OF RESERVATIONS...................................................................................... 19
RULE 135: CANCELLATION OF RESERVATIONS ...................................................................................... 20
RULE 140: WAITLISTS .................................................................................................................................. 22
RULE 141: VOLUNTARY STANDBY TRAVEL .............................................................................................. 22
RULE 150: APPLICATION OF FARES .......................................................................................................... 24
RULE 160: CURRENCY ................................................................................................................................ 24
RULE 165: FARE CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................. 24
RULE 170: ROUND-TRIP FARES ................................................................................................................. 25
RULE 175: CIRCLE-TRIP FARES ................................................................................................................. 26
RULE 180: STOPOVERS .............................................................................................................................. 26
RULE 185: ROUTINGS .................................................................................................................................. 26
RULE 190: BAGGAGE ................................................................................................................................... 27
RULE 240: FLIGHT DELAYS/CANCELLATIONS ......................................................................................... 40
RULE 245: DENIED BOARDING COMPENSATION..................................................................................... 41
RULE 255: REROUTING ............................................................................................................................... 44
RULE 260: INVOLUNTARY REFUNDS ......................................................................................................... 46
RULE 270: VOLUNTARY REFUNDS ............................................................................................................ 46
RULE 385: CARRIER ABSORPTION OF PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE ............................................. 48
RULE 390: PREPAID TICKET ADVICE CHARGES ...................................................................................... 48
RULE 392: RETURNED CHECK SERVICE CHARGE .................................................................................. 48
RULE 394: THE DELTA CONNECTION AND DOMESTIC CODESHARE SERVICE .................................. 49
RULE 1: General Provisions
A. Contract of Carriage
When you buy a ticket for travel on Delta, you enter into a contract of carriage with us. The terms of your
contract are set forth in:
your Ticket
these Conditions of Carriage
our published fare rules and regulations, which may govern the calculation of the fare and other
charges that apply to your itinerary. If your ticket is priced by, a Delta agent, or a
computer reservation system, these fare rules and regulations will be included in the calculation of
the ticket price that we quote to you.
B. Domestic Conditions of Carriage
This document is Delta's Domestic Conditions of Carriage. It applies only to travel entirely within the United
States of America. It states the terms upon which Delta offers to transport each passenger within the United
States. By purchasing a ticket for travel on Delta, or by using a ticket purchased for you by someone else,
you agree to be bound by each of these terms.
C. Application to Delta Shuttle, and Delta Connection
Unless otherwise provided, any reference to “Delta” in this document refers to Delta Air Lines, and also
refers to the Delta Shuttle, and the Delta Connection carriers.
D. Amendments to Conditions of Carriage
1. Amendment by Delta
Delta may amend these Conditions of Carriage at any time, except as provided by law. Your travel will be
governed by the rules that were in effect on the date you purchased your ticket; provided, however, that
Delta reserves the right to apply rules currently in effect on the date of your travel where reasonably
necessary for operational reasons and where the change in rule does not have a material negative impact
upon you.
2. Authority of Delta Employees & Ticketing Agents
No Delta employee or ticketing agent has the authority to modify any provision of the Conditions of Carriage
unless authorized by a Delta corporate officer. Delta appointed agents and representatives are only
authorized to sell tickets for air transportation pursuant to the approved fares, rules and regulations of Delta.
This rule supersedes any conflicting provision in the contract of carriage.
E. Interline Carriage
Delta will be responsible for furnishing of transportation only over its own lines. When Delta undertakes to
issue a ticket, check baggage, or make any other arrangements for transportation over the lines of any other
carrier (whether or not such transportation is part of a through service), Delta will act only as agent for such
other carrier and will assume no responsibility for the acts or omissions of such other carrier.
F. Fares Applicable Only For Ticketed Itinerary
Fares apply for travel only between the points for which they are published. Tickets may not be issued at
fare(s) published to and/or from a more distant point(s) than the points being traveled, even when issuance
of such tickets would produce a lower fare. When through or connecting passengers enplane at an
intermediate point between the origin and destination shown on their tickets, Delta may require evidence,
such as a boarding pass, of use of a preceding flight for the portion of the ticket from point of origin to
intermediate point. Absent such evidence, Delta may require additional fare collection from the passenger
for any difference between the fare paid for the ticket from origin to destination and the fare which would
apply from the intermediate boarding point to the destination.
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G. Erroneous Fares
Delta will exercise reasonable efforts to ensure that all fares it publishes are accurate and available for sale,
but Delta, as a policy, does not file nor intend to file tickets priced at a zero fare. In the event that an
erroneous zero fare is inadvertently published for sale and a ticket is issued at the erroneous fare before it
has been corrected, Delta reserves the right to cancel the ticket purchase and refund all amounts paid by
the purchaser or, at the purchaser’s option, to reissue the ticket for the correct fare.
Delta will use its best efforts to carry the passenger and baggage with reasonable dispatch.
Times shown in timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract.
Delta may without notice substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, and may alter or omit stopping
places shown on the ticket in case of necessity. Schedules are subject to change without
notice. Delta is not responsible or liable for making connections, or for failing to operate any
flight according to schedule, or for changing the schedule or any flight.
As used in this tariff or in tariffs making reference hereto, unless otherwise defined:
o Add-on - An amount published for use only in combination with other fares for the construction
of through international fares.
o Air/sea Inclusive Tour - A fully prepaid vacation cruise package offered for sale to the public
which includes in the published price and tour literature, the air fare to/from the cruise and a
cruise on a steamship line.
o Air Traffic Conference (ATC) - The division of the air transport association responsible for
coordinating interline operations and agreement between carriers/tour wholesalers/travel
o Animals, in addition to the usual connotation, include reptiles, birds, poultry and fish.
o Applicable Adult Fare means the fare which would be applicable to an adult for the
transportation to be used except those special fares which would be applicable due to the
adults' status (such as clergy fares, military fares, senior citizen fares, etc.).
o Applicable Full Fare means the full adult fare for the class of service designated in the carrier's
official general schedule for the aircraft, or compartment of the aircraft used by the passenger.
o Area 1 - Both the North and South American continents, and the islands adjacent thereto,
Bermuda, Greenland, the West Indies and the Caribbean Sea and the Hawaiian Islands
(including Midway and Palmyra).
o Area 2 - All of Europe (including that part of the USSR in Europe) and the islands adjacent
thereto, Iceland, the Azores, all of Africa and the islands adjacent thereto, the Ascension Islands
and that part of Asia lying west of, and including, Iran.
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o Area 3 - All of Asia and the islands adjacent thereto, (except that portion included in area 2) all
of the East Indies, Australia, New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto and the islands of
the Pacific Ocean except those included in area 1.
Caribbean area means:
Anguilla Dominican Republic Nevis
Antigua Grenada St. Kitts
Bahamas Guadeloupe St. Lucia
Barbados Haiti St. Martin
Bermuda Jamaica St. Vincent
British Virgin Islands Leeward Islands Trinidad
Cayman Islands Martinique Tobago
Cuba Montserrat Turks and Caicos Islands
Dominica Netherlands Antilles West Indies and Windward Islands
J) Carrier means any air carrier shown as a participant in this tariff.
K) Central America means Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and
L) Circle Trip means any trip, the ultimate destination of which is the point of origin, but which
includes a stop at least one other point, or which is not made via the same routing/carrier in both
Examples of Circle Trips:
Example 1: Point 1 to Point 2 on airline A
Point 2 to Point 1 on airline B
Example 2: Point 1 to Point 2 to Point 3 on airline A
Example 3: Point 1 to Point 2 on airline A (first class)
Point 2 to Point 1 on airline A or any other airline (coach)
M) Coach means the service on flights listed in carrier's official general schedules as coach, day
coach, or tourist.
N) c.o.b. means "carrying on business under firm name and style of."
O) Consequential Damages means reasonable out of pocket expenses and other provable
damages incurred by said passenger as the consequence of the loss, damage or delay in the
delivery of such personal property.
P) Continental United States means the District of Columbia and all states of the United States
other than Alaska and Hawaii.
Q) Co-Terminal - Two or more relatively adjacent airports which for the purpose of these fares will
be considered the same point.
R) Contractor - Any person who has entered into a contract with a carrier for the purchase of seats
for resale to the general public.
S) Days - Full calendar days, including sun./legal holidays, provided that for the purposes of
notification, the balance of the days upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted, and
that for purposes of determining duration of validity, the balance of the day upon which the ticket
is issued or flight begun shall not be counted.
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T) Dependent - Unless otherwise indicated, dependent means spouse and children of military
personnel/U.S. embassy personnel stationed overseas wholly dependent upon such personnel
for their livelihood.
U) Dot Hazardous Materials Regulations means the hazardous materials regulations issued by the
Materials Transportation Bureau of the Department of Transportation in Title 49 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Parts 171 through 177 (49 CFR 171-177).
V) Economy means the service listed in carrier's official general schedule as economy flights.
W) Europe: Means that area comprised of Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azores;
Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canary Islands; Croatia;
Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Georgia; Gibraltar; Greece;
Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Morocco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland;
Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation (west of the Urals); San Marino; Slovenia; Slovakia;
Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tunisia; Turkey (in Europe and Asia); Ukraine; United Kingdom
and Yugoslavia.
X) Extraterritorial Trip means any trip which includes transportation 1) via one or more carriers
within the area consisting of the continental United States and Canada, and 2) via commercial
air (not including charter services) or military air services to or from any point outside such area.
Y) Fare Component - The fare paid for the portion of the itinerary between the origin and
destination/stopover point.
Z) Flight Coupon - A portion of the passenger's ticket that indicated particular places between
which the coupon is good for carriage.
AA) Full Adult Fare means the one-way fares designated by fare class code Y (Coach) whether
specifically published or derived by construction.
BB) Gateway - The passenger's first point of arrival or last departure in areas 1, 2, or 3.
CC) Government Transport Request (GTR) - Form used for ticket payment and travel authorization
for passengers traveling on official business for the federal government by the U.S.
DD) Group - Minimum number of passengers specified in conjunction with the fare as provided for in
the applicable fare rules. Less than the minimum number of passengers may not travel at group
fares, even upon payment of the minimum number of fares, unless specifically permitted in a
given fare rule.
EE) Group Organizer - Any person engaged in organizing groups and/or responsible for the travel
arrangements of the group under the terms and conditions of the applicable rule in this tariff,
except that an air carrier shall not act as a group organizer.
FF) GTR - (See Government Transport Request)
GG) IATA - (See International Air Transport Association)
HH) Immediate Family - Spouse, domestic partner, children, step-children, grandchildren, parents,
step-parents, grandparents, brothers, step-brothers, sisters, step-sisters, daughters-in-law,
sons-in-law, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, brother-in-law and
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II) Inclusive Tour - Officially published tour in which land arrangements are offered at a flat rate.
Land arrangements include hotels or other sleeping accommodations, airport transfers, and at
least one other tour feature such as car rentals, sightseeing, motor coach trips, or other tourist
services. Such official inclusive tours must contain an IT number (the code designated on an
inclusive tour folder) that indicates that the tour has been approved by the ATC/IATA.
JJ) Inclusive Tour Fare - Round/circle/open-jaw trip fares offered in conjunction with the purchase of
a minimum land package which must be officially designated as an inclusive tour by the
KK) Interchange Flight means a flight operated over the routes of two or more carriers without
change of equipment.
LL) Interlining - Utilizing the services of more than one carrier in connection with a particular fare.
MM) International Air Transport Association (IATA) - The world trade association of airlines which
operate international services.
NN) International Transportation means any transportation or other services, furnished by any
carrier, which are included within the scope of the term "international transportation" as used in
the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Transportation by
Air signed at Warsaw, October 12, 1929, or such convention as amended, whichever may be
applicable to the transportation hereunder and to which the said Convention applies. For the
purpose of determining the applicability of the term "international transportation":
Agreed Stopping Place All stops between the original place of departure and the place of
final destination scheduled by any carrier by air which participates in the transportation
between such places, as shown in the schedules or time tables of such carriers shall
constitute "agreed stopping places"; but each participating carrier reserves the right to alter
the "agreed stopping places" in the case of necessity without thereby depriving the
transportation of its international character; and Single Operation Transportation to be
performed by several successive carriers by air, arrangements for which are made in
advance, is regarded as "a single operation" and shall be deemed to be "one undivided
transportation" whether one or more tickets or other documents are issued to cover such
transportation, and whether or not all such tickets or documents are issued prior to the
commencement of such transportation; but this provision shall not be deemed to contain an
exclusive definition of transportation which is regarded by the parties as "a single
OO) Jet Aircraft means the following aircraft (and all series thereof):
777: Boeing 777
763: Boeing 767-300
767: Boeing 767-200
764: Boeing 767-400ER
76L: Boeing 767-300ER
757: Boeing 757-200
738: Boeing 737-800
72S: Boeing 727-200
733: Boeing 737-300
73S: Boeing 737-200
M80: McDonnell Douglas MD-88
PP) Maximum Outside Linear Dimensions means the sum of the greatest outside length plus the
greatest outside width plus the greatest outside height.
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QQ) Micronesia - The area comprised of the Caroline Islands, Guam, Johnston Island, Mariana
Islands, Marshall Islands, Paulau Islands, Ponape, Seipan, Trak and Yap.
RR) Military Agencies means departments of the Army, Navy and Air Force; the Marine Corps; the
Coast Guard; the respective academies of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard; and the
National Guard. The Reserve Officer Training Corps is not included.
SS) Military Passenger means military personnel of the U.S. military agencies who are on active
duty status or who have been discharged from active military service within seven days of the
date of travel.
TT) Military Recruit Passenger - A member of one of the U.S. military agencies traveling from
recruiting/induction station to first training installation or from first training installation to first duty
UU) Miscellaneous Charges Order means a document issued by a carrier or its agents requesting
issue of an appropriate passenger ticket and baggage check or provision of services to the
person named in such document.
VV) North America means that area comprised of the Caribbean area/Canada, Mexico, and the
United States, excluding the canal zone.
WW) Off-Peak Coach means the service of flights listed in the carrier's official general schedules as
off-peak coach.
XX) Open-Jaw Trip means any trip which is essentially of a round-trip or circle-trip nature but the
outward point of departure and the inward point of arrival or the outward point of arrival and
inward point of departure of which are not the same.
Example of open-jaw trip:
Point 1 to Point 2 to Point 3
YY) Outward Destination - The stopover point on the passenger's itinerary which is furthest from the
passenger's point of origin.
ZZ) Portion - The space between two consecutive scheduled stops on any given flight. Also
referred to as a leg.
AAA) Pre-Enlistee - Person traveling between his/her home and an armed forces examining and
entrance station/recruiting main station at direction station/selective service local board.
BBB) Pre-Inductee - Person traveling between his/her home and an armed forces examining and
entrance station/recruiting main station at the direction of a recruiting station/selective service
local board.
CCC) Prepaid Ticket Advice means the notification between offices of a carrier or between carriers
that a person in one location has purchased and requested issuance of prepaid transportation
as described in the authority to another person in another location.
DDD) Propeller Aircraft means the following aircraft (and all series thereof):
EM2: Embraer Brasilia
AT7: Aerospatiale
EEE) Reroute means to issue a new ticket covering transportation to the same destination as, but via
a different routing than that designated on the ticket, or portion thereof, then held by the
passenger, or to honor the ticket, or portion thereof, then held by the passenger for
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transportation to the same destination as, but via a different routing than, that designated
FFF) Round Trip means any trip, the ultimate destination of which is the point of origin, and which is
made via the same routing in both directions. Reservations for all segments of a trip for tickets
issued at round-trip fares must be confirmed in the same (a single) passenger name record
Example of round trips:
Example of local round trip:
Point 1 to Point 2 on airline A
Point 2 to Point 1 on airline A
Example of joint round trip:
Point 1 to Point 2 on airline A
Point 2 to Point 3 on airline B
Point 3 to Point 2 on airline B
Point 2 to Point 1 on airline A
GGG) Routing means the carrier(s) and/or the cities and/or class of service and/or type of aircraft (jet
or propeller) via which transportation is provided between two points, as specified in any tariff
governed by this tariff.
HHH) Sector - The portion of travel between two fare break points as determined in the fare
construction. Sectors are made up of one or more segments of legs.
III) Segment - That part of a journey from a passenger's boarding point to a deplaning point. Each
flight coupon represents a segment of a trip.
JJJ) South America means Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana,
Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
KKK) Southwest Pacific - The area comprised of Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, French
Polynesia, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, New
Zealand, Norfolk Islands, Papua, New Guinea, Samoa, Society Islands, Solomon Islands,
Tonga, and Intermediate Islands.
LLL) (General) Standby Passenger - Passenger who will be enplaned on a flight subject to the
availability of space at departure time and only after all passengers having reservations for such
flight, and all passengers without reservations, but paying fares other than adult standby fares,
have been enplaned on such flight. Not all flights will be available for standby. All specific
standby rules are governed by tariff rule 141.
MMM) Tour Conductor - Person at least 18 years of age who is in charge of and guides a group for the
duration of a tour.
NNN) Transit Point - Any stop at an intermediate point on the route to be traveled (whether or not a
change of planes is made) which does not fall within the definition of a stopover.
OOO) Stopover means a deliberate interruption of a journey by the passenger, agreed to in advance
by the carrier, at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination. Unless
otherwise noted, a stopover will occur when a passenger arrives at a point and fails to depart
from such point on:
a) The first flight on which space is available, or
b) The flight that will provide for the passenger's earliest arrival at an intermediate or
junction point(s) or destination point, via the carrier and class of service as shown on the
passenger's ticket, provided however, that in no event will a stopover occur when the
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passenger departs from the intermediate/junction point on a flight shown in the carrier's
official general schedule as departing within four hours after arrival at such point.
PPP) United States of America/the United States/the U.S. - Each means, unless otherwise specified,
the area comprising the 48 contiguous, federated states; the federal District of Columbia; the
federated states of Alaska and Hawaii; Puerto Rico; the U.S. Virgin Islands; American Samoa;
Canton; Guam; Midway and Wake Islands.
QQQ) U.S. Armed Forces/U.S. Military Agencies - Department of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, and Coast Guard of the United States of America, the respective academies of the Army,
Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard, and does not include the National Guard Bureau or the
Reserve Officer Training Corps, or members of the reserves not holding a valid duty armed
forces of the United States green identification card.
RRR) United States Department of Defense means the U.S. Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air
Force and the U.S. Marine Corps.
SSS) U.S. Military Personnel - Unless otherwise indicated, refers only to active duty military
personnel, and means:
(1) Military personnel of the United States military agencies holding a valid active duty
armed forces of the United States green identification card, on active duty status and
traveling on authorized furlough, leave, or pass.
(2) Military personnel does not include personnel on temporary duty orders traveling to or
from their temporary duty station.
TTT) Voluntary Standby-Paid Upgrade - Passengers must be confirmed in the coach cabin on the
same flight and date for which the upgrade request is made. The paid standby upgrade may not
be offered on all flights. A non-refundable standby upgrade fee may be assessed and will be
collected on each flight segment based on mileage and fare class. All specific standby rules are
governed by tariff rule 141.
UUU) Waitlist - List established by an airline of passengers who are either seeking space on a flight
that is sold out, or traveling on a standby basis/standby fare that does not permit boarding a
particular flight until all passengers with confirmed reservations have been boarded.
VVV) Western Hemisphere means the United States of America, Canada, Greenland, Mexico, Central
and South America, Bermuda, Bahamas and the islands of the Caribbean Sea.
The carrier shall limit the number of passengers carried on any one flight at fares governed by
rules or fares making reference hereto, and such fares will not necessarily be available on all
flights or in all markets. The number of seats which the carrier shall make available on a given
flight will be determined by the carrier's best judgment as to the anticipated total passenger load
on each flight.
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The passenger recognizes that personal data has been given to carrier for the purposes of
making a reservation for carriage, obtaining ancillary services, facilitating immigration and entry
requirements, and making available such data to government agencies. For these purposes, the
passenger authorizes carrier to retain such data and to transmit it to its own offices, other
carriers, or the providers of such services, in whatever country they may be located.
When a metropolitan area is served by more than one airport and the passenger requires
connecting service with arrival at one airport and departure from another airport, transportation
between those airports must be arranged by and at the expense of the passenger. Baggage
must be claimed and rechecked by the passenger.
Delta may refuse to transport any passenger, and may remove any passenger from its aircraft
at any time, for any of the following reasons:
A) Government Request or Regulations
Whenever such action is necessary to comply with any government regulations, directives, or
instructions; or to comply with any governmental request for emergency transportation in
connection with the national defense, or whenever such action is necessary or advisable by
reason of weather or other conditions beyond its control (including but without limitation, acts of
God, force majeure, strikes, civil commotions, embargoes, wars, hostilities, or disturbances)
actual, threatened, or reported.
B) Search of Passenger or Property
When a passenger refuses to permit search of his person or property for explosives, weapons,
dangerous materials, or other prohibited items.
C) Proof of Identity
When a passenger refuses on request to produce positive identification; provided, however, that
Delta shall have no obligation to require positive identification of persons purchasing tickets
and/or presenting tickets for the purpose of boarding aircraft.
D) Travel Across International Boundaries
When a passenger is traveling across any international boundary if:
1) the travel documents of such passenger are not in order; or
2) such transportation would be unlawful
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E) Failure to Comply with Delta’s Rules or Contract of Carriage
When a passenger fails or refuses to comply with any of Delta’s rules or regulations or any term
of the contract of carriage.
F) Passenger’s Conduct or Condition
Delta will not refuse to provide transportation to an individual with a disability, as defined in 14
C.F.R. § 382.5 and 382.31, based upon his or her disability, except as provided in Rule 35(G),
below. Delta will not refuse to provide transportation based upon race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, or ancestry. Subject to those qualifications, Delta may refuse to transport any
passenger, or may remove any passenger from its aircraft, when refusal to transport or removal
of the passenger is reasonably necessary in Delta’s sole discretion for the passenger’s comfort
or safety, for the comfort or safety of other passengers or Delta employees, or for the prevention
of damage to the property of Delta or its passengers or employees. By way of example, and
without limitation, Delta may refuse to transport or may remove passengers from its aircraft in
any of the following situations:
1) When the passenger’s conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent.
2) When the passenger is barefoot.
3) When the passenger appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
4) When the passenger attempts to interfere with any member of the flight crew in the pursuit of
his or her duties, or fails to obey the instruction of any member of the flight crew.
5) When the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers
during the normal course of the flight;
6) When the passenger has a malodorous condition;
7) When the passenger is unable to sit in a seat with the seatbelt fastened;
8) When the passenger requires an onboard stretcher kit;
9) When the passenger’s behavior may be hazardous to himself/herself, the crew, or other
10) When the passenger is seriously ill, and fails to provide a physician's written permission to
11) When the passenger is traveling in an incubator.
12) When the passenger’s conduct creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to
other passengers.
13) When the passenger’s conduct creates a risk of harm or damage to the carrier’s aircraft
and/or property, or the property of other passengers.
G) Carriage of Passengers With Disabilities
Delta will not refuse to provide transportation to an individual with a disability, as defined in 14
C.F.R. § 382.5, based upon his or her disability, except in the following circumstances:
1. Safety
Delta may refuse to provide transportation to any passenger on the basis of safety, and may
refuse to provide transportation to any passenger whose carriage would violate the Federal
Aviation Regulations.
2. Advance Notice for Passengers Requiring Special Assistance
Delta requires 48 hours advance notice and one-hour advance check-in by any persons
who wish to receive special assistance for persons with disabilities, where available,
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including for example, medical oxygen for use on board the aircraft, packaging of a
wheelchair battery for shipment as checked luggage, and accommodation for a group of ten
or more people with disabilities. For travel on Delta flights operated by SkyWest Airlines, 48
hour advance notice is required for shipment of any battery-operated wheelchair. Some
special services may not be available on all flights. Specific information concerning special
services available on particular flights is available from a Delta reservations agent. Delta
will make reasonable efforts to accommodate passengers requiring such assistance who fail
to make reservations for such services at least 48 hours in advance or fail to meet these
check-in requirements, but may deny boarding to such passengers at its sole discretion.
3. Accompanying Safety Assistant Required for Certain Passengers
Delta may require that a safety assistant accompany a passenger with a disability as a
condition of providing transportation if Delta determines that such an assistant is essential
for safety in the following circumstances:
a. When the passenger, because of a mental disability so severe, is unable to
comprehend or respond to safety related instructions.
b. When the passenger has both a severe hearing and vision impairment and
is unable to establish a means of communication with Delta personnel
sufficient to receive the safety briefing,
c. When the passenger has a mobility impairment so severe that the
passenger is unable to physically assist in his/her own evacuation during an
4. EXCEPTION: Travel to/from Canada Only
For passengers traveling to or from Canada only, Delta will accept a passenger's
determination of his/her self-reliance with respect to air transportation as provided by Delta.
Delta will afford no special on-board attention beyond that afforded to the general public in
such circumstances, except such assistance in boarding and/or deplaning as may be
H) Recourse of Passenger
All passengers are prohibited from engaging in any conduct that would authorize Delta to refuse
transport under this Rule. The sole recourse of any passenger refused carriage or removed en
route for any reason specified in this Rule shall be recovery of the refund value of the unused
portion of his or her ticket as provided in Rule 260.
Passengers and their baggage are subject to inspection with an electronic detector with or
without the passenger's consent or knowledge.
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A) Accompanied Children
(1) General Rule
Except as set forth in this Rule, children under the age of 15 will not be accepted for
transportation unless they are accompanied on the same flight in the same compartment by
a parent, legal guardian, or other passenger at least 18 years of age. Delta may prompt at
check in for documentation verifying the child’s age. A valid passport, birth certificate or
other government issued identification are all acceptable.
(2) Accompanied Children Less Than 2 Years Old.
One child less than 2 years old not occupying a seat may travel with an adult fare-paying
passenger at least 18 years old or parent/legal guardian at no additional charge. Additional
infants and infants occupying a seat must pay the applicable fare. A maximum of 2 infants is
permitted for each adult. Delta recommends that any child occupying a seat be placed in an
approved safety seat. Infants who will reach their second birthday during a journey will be
required to occupy a seat, paying the lowest applicable fare for the entire journey.
(3) Accompanied Children 2 Years and Older
The fare for children ages 2 years and older, will be the same as the fare for an adult
passenger traveling in the same class of service.
B) Unaccompanied Children Under the age of 15.
Children under the age of 15 may travel unaccompanied on Delta only under the following
(1) Children under the age of 5
No child under the age of 5 will be accepted for unaccompanied travel.
(2) Children aged 5 through 14
Children ages 5 through 7 may travel unaccompanied on non-stop flights only and
may not connect to other airlines. Children ages 8 through 14 may travel
unaccompanied on Delta’s non-stop or connecting flights, but may not connect to
other airlines with the exception of Delta Connection, KLM and Air France.
C) Unaccompanied Minor Service
(1) When Unaccompanied Minor Service is Required
Except as otherwise provided in this Rule, Unaccompanied Minor Service is required for all
passengers under the age of 15 that Delta accepts for transportation.
(2) Unaccompanied Minor Service Defined
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 13 of 49
Unaccompanied Minor Service means that Delta will provide supervision for the child from
the time of boarding until the child is met at the stop over point or destination. Delta will
assume no financial or guardianship responsibilities for unaccompanied children beyond
those applicable to an adult passenger. Delta has the right, but is not obligated to require
identification of the responsible party meeting the child at a transfer point or final
destination. An unaccompanied minor must be confirmed to destination and may not be
confirmed on the last connecting flight of the evening (with the exception of markets where
there is only one connection and it is the last flight of the day), nor may an unaccompanied
minor travel on a flight expected to terminate short of, or bypass, the child’s destination.
Delta may rebook the child on an alternate flight if there is a possibility that weather,
irregular operations, or other conditions may cause a flight to be diverted. Delta requires
that a parent or responsible adult accompany the child until boarding, and this adult must
provide the name, telephone number, and address of the party meeting the child at the
transfer point or final destination. Delta reserves the right to refuse to release an
unaccompanied child to anyone other than the pre-designated party. Delta representatives
cannot administer medicine to children flying alone. An unaccompanied minor may not
travel on any domestic flight greater than 2 hrs in length which departs between 9 PM and 5
AM (“red-eye flight”). This restriction does not apply for red-eye flights to/from Hawaii and
Alaska, however, an unaccompanied minor on a red-eye flight from Hawaii or Alaska may
not connect to a domestic red-eye flight or to the last flight of the day.
D) Unaccompanied Children Ages 15-17
Although not required, a parent or guardian may request Unaccompanied Minor Service for
unaccompanied minors ages 15-17. The applicable unaccompanied minor service charge
will apply.
E) Unaccompanied Minor Service Charge
In addition to the applicable fare, unaccompanied minors for whom Unaccompanied Minor
Service is required or has been requested must pay an unaccompanied minor service
charge in the amounts set forth below. Delta reserves the right to refuse to transport any
unaccompanied minor for whom Unaccompanied Minor Services are required or requested
but for whom the applicable unaccompanied minor service fee has not been paid. If 2 or
more unaccompanied minors who are members of the same immediate family and ticketed
together are traveling together, only one service charge will be assessed.
The unaccompanied minor service charge will be USD 150.00 each way for non-stop travel
and USD 150.00 each way for connecting travel.
A) Delta accepts for transportation, without charge, a properly harnessed dog trained to lead the
blind, when it accompanies a passenger with impaired vision dependent upon such dog, or the
trainer of such dog enroute to the domicile of the owner for completion of training. The dog will
be permitted to accompany such passenger into the cabin but will not be permitted to occupy a
B) Delta accepts for transportation, without charge, a properly-harnessed dog trained in explosive
detection or search and rescue, when it is accompanied by its handler. The dog will be
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 14 of 49
permitted to accompany its handler into the cabin but will not be permitted to occupy a seat.
The dog and its handler must be on official duty status and such status must be documented in
writing to the satisfaction of Delta.
C) Delta accepts for transportation, without charge, a properly-harnessed dog trained to assist the
deaf, when it accompanies a passenger with impaired hearing dependent upon such dog, or the
trainer of such dog en-route to the domicile of the owner for completion of training. The dog will
be permitted to accompany such passenger into the cabin but will not be permitted to occupy a
Delta prohibits smoking and the use of all smokeless tobacco products on all flights.
A) Portable Oxygen Concentrators
On flights operated by Delta or Delta Connection carriers, passengers may use Portable
Oxygen Concentrators (POCs) that have been approved for use by Delta upon meeting the
requirements listed below. The current list of approved POC devices is available on or may be obtained by calling Delta Reservations.
1) Advance Notice Required
Passengers must provide written notice of their plans to use a POC to Delta or its designee
at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled departure time of the first flight in their itinerary
2) Medical Screening
Delta requires that passengers who wish to use a POC on a Delta flight receive medical
screening prior to their flight. This service is provided by Delta at no cost to the passenger. If
the passenger makes any voluntary change to his/her itinerary after completion of the
medical screening and the change results in a longer flight time than the original itinerary,
re-screening will be required.
3) Medical Certificate Required
All passengers using a POC on a Delta flight must possess a written statement or a medical
certificate indicating:
a. A signature by a licensed physician certifying the need for in-flight oxygen.
b. The passenger is able to fly without physical risk to herself/himself or to other
c. The amount of oxygen required per hour and the maximum flow rate in liters per
minute required at 8000 ft. altitude.
B) Seating Restrictions
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 15 of 49
Passengers using POCs on a Delta flight must be seated in a row other than an emergency
exit or bulkhead.
Effective June 1, 2002, no claims for overcharge shall be valid and DL shall have no liability if
claim is more than one (1) year after the date of issue of the ticket.
A) No person shall be entitled to transportation except upon presentation of a valid ticket. Such
ticket shall entitle the passenger to transportation only between points of origin and destination
and via the routing designated thereon.
B) Flight coupons will be honored only in the order in which they are issued, and only if all unused
flight coupons and passenger coupons are presented together.
C) A ticket which has not been validated, or which has been altered, mutilated or improperly
issued, shall not be valid.
D) Tickets are not transferable, but the carrier is not liable to the owner of a ticket for honoring or
refunding such ticket when presented by another person.
E) Tickets may be purchased on credit, installment, or time payment plans lawfully in effect.
EXCEPTION: Notwithstanding the terms of any agreement or understanding, in the event of a
strike or work stoppage which causes any cancellation or suspension of operations, Delta will
not accept as payment UATP credit cards issued by such struck carrier.
F) The purchaser of a Delta ticket and the passenger intending to use such ticket are responsible
for ensuring that the ticket accurately states the passenger's name. Presentation of a ticket for
transportation on Delta by someone other than the passenger named thereon renders the ticket
void. Such ticket will be subject to confiscation and will be ineligible for any refund.
G) 1) Compliance with Terms and Conditions of Sale
Tickets are valid for travel only when used in accordance with all terms and conditions of
sale. Terms and conditions of sale include but are not limited to:
A) The passenger's itinerary, as stated on the ticket or in the passenger's reservation
B) Any requirement that the passenger stay over a specified date or length of time
(for example, Sat. night or weekend) at the destination specified on the ticket;
C) Any special purpose or status (for example, age in the case of senior citizen or
children's discount, military status in the case of a military fare, official government
business in the case of a government fare, or attendance at a qualified event in the
case of a meeting or convention fare) that entitles the passenger to a special reduced
rate; or
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 16 of 49
D) Any other requirement associated with the passenger's fare level.
2) Unless a ticket is reissued by Delta or its authorized agent upon payment of applicable
charges, or an authorized representative of Delta waives applicable restrictions in writing, a
ticket is invalid;
A) If used for travel to a destination other than that specified on the ticket.
B) If the passenger fails to comply with applicable stayover requirements.
C) If the passenger does not meet the purpose or status requirement associated with the
fare category on the ticket,
D) If Delta determines that the ticket has been purchased or used in a manner designed to
circumvent applicable fare rules.
3) Delta specifically prohibits the practices commonly known as:
A) Back to Back Ticketing - The issuance, purchase or usage of flight coupons from two or
more tickets issued at round trip fares, or the combination of two or more round trip
fares end to end on the same ticket for the purpose of circumventing minimum stay
B) Throwaway Ticketing - The issuance, purchase or usage of round trip fares for one way
C) Hidden City/Point Beyond Ticketing - The issuance, purchase or usage of a fare from a
point before the passenger's actual origin or to a point beyond the
passenger's actual destination.
4) Where a ticket is invalidated as the result of the passenger's non-compliance with
any term or condition of sale, Delta has the right in its sole discretion to:
A) Cancel any remaining portion of the passenger's itinerary,
B) Confiscate unused flight coupons,
C) Refuse to board the passenger or check the passenger's baggage, or
D) Assess the passenger for the reasonable remaining value of the ticket, which shall be
no less than the difference between the fare actually paid and the lowest fare applicable
to the passenger's actual itinerary.
H) An electronic ticket (E-Ticket/ET) is the record of agreement maintained and processed within
the carrier’s electronic reservation system. A written receipt is provided to the purchaser of the
electronic ticket which contains a reference for retrieving the record within the carrier’s
reservation system and summary of the ticket information.
I) The carrier may mandate the issuance of an electronic ticket (ET) regardless of market, carrier,
form of payment, and customer type (including SkyMiles and participating carrier frequent flyer
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 17 of 49
J) Delta, or its authorized agent, will assess a USD50.00 nonrefundable service charge when a
passenger voluntarily requests the conversion of an electronic ticket (ET) to paper.
K) In addition to the otherwise applicable fare, for tickets purchased in the United States, Puerto
Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Delta will collect at the time of ticketing an additional USD
$25.00 for all tickets purchased directly from Delta over the telephone and an additional USD
$35.00 for all tickets purchased directly from Delta at an airport or city ticket office. This
additional charge is not refundable and shall be included in the total fare quoted to the
passenger at the time of ticketing. These additional charges do not apply to tickets purchased
directly from Delta at
L) External Reissue Charge
Except as set forth in this rule, Delta will collect a nonrefundable fee of USD $50.00/CAD 52.00
for reissue by Delta of tickets originally issued in the United States or Canada by any ticketing
source other than Delta. This fee applies to all changes to tickets issued at the request of the
passenger. The charge does not apply to same day confirmed transactions, IROP or schedule
change situations, SkyMiles upgrade reissues, tickets reissued on, or tickets issued
at military or government fares.
A) Period of Validity
1) Refundable Fares
Except as provided in paragraph (C) below, a ticket for transportation on Delta is valid for
one year from the date of issuance of the original ticket. However, if the passenger is unable
to use any portion of the ticket during the period of validity due to lack of space, or due to a
flight cancellation, the ticket will remain valid until space can be provided.
2) Non-Refundable Fares
Ticket has no value after one year from date of original issue.
EXCEPTION: Travel on any Delta ticket issued in exchange for a denied boarding
compensation (DBC) voucher must commence by one year from the date of issuance of the
original DBC voucher.
B) Extension of Validity
If the passenger is prevented from using the ticket, or a portion of the ticket, during the period of
validity specified in paragraph a) above or the period of validity applicable to an excursion or
special fare, due to lack of space or flight cancellation, the ticket will remain valid until space can
be provided on a schedule comparable to the schedule that the passenger has requested.
C) Special Fare Provision
When a ticket includes an excursion or special fare having a shorter period of validity than one
year, the shorter period of validity will apply only to the excursion or special fare transportation.
EXCEPTION: When fares are combined to create round/circle/open-jaw trips, the most
restrictive provisions will apply to the entire journey.
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 18 of 49
A) The carrier will issue to a person a stock of tickets and validating stamp for the purpose of
issuing tickets for transportation, subject to 1) reasonable credit requirements and 2) entering
into a written agreement authorizing the issuance of tickets and providing for accounting,
reservation and ticketing procedures and provisions protecting and the carrier from loss of
misuse of the tickets.
B) The carrier will arrange for the issuance of a ticketing machine to a person for the purpose
issuing tickets for transportation, subject to 1) reasonable credit requirements and 2) entering
into a written agreement authorizing the issuance of tickets and providing for accounting,
reservation and ticketing procedures and provisions protecting and the carrier from loss of
misuse of the tickets. The carrier will make no charge for the ticket machine or related
communication services. The ticketing machine and related communication services will be
provided by an independent company, which is not an agent or servant of the carrier, and at the
person's expense.
NOTE: For the purpose of the above paragraphs, "person" means an individual, firm,
copartnership, corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, or body politic; and
includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or similar representative thereof.
A) Validity of Confirmed Reservations
No reservation on Delta is valid until the availability and allocation of the reserved space is
confirmed by Delta or its agent and entered in Delta’s electronic reservations system. Unless an
earlier ticketing deadline is imposed by the applicable fare rule or other agreement between Delta
and the passenger, Delta must receive payment and the reservation must be ticketed at least 30
minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time. Failure to comply with this ticketing deadline or
an earlier ticketing deadline imposed by the applicable fare rule or other agreement with the
passenger will result in cancellation of the reservation without notice.
B) Earlier Ticketing Required at Some Airports
1) Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Atlanta (ATL), Denver International Airport
(DEN), Las Vegas International Airport (LAS), Orlando International Airport (MCO), John F.
Kennedy International Airport (JFK), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Philadelphia
International Airport (PHL), Reno/Tahoe International Airport (RNO), San Antonio
International Airport (SAT), and San Juan Luis Munoz International Airport (SJU).
For passengers traveling from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Atlanta (ATL), Denver
International Airport (DEN), Las Vegas International Airport (LAS), Orlando International Airport
(MCO), John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX),
Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), Reno/Tahoe International Airport (RNO), San Antonio
International Airport (SAT), and San Juan Luis Munoz International Airport (SJU) passengers must
purchase their ticket at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time of the flight to
which such reservation applies or the baggage may be refused and the reservation cancelled.
St. Thomas Cyril E. King Airport (STT) and St. Croix Henry E Rohlsen International Airport
For passengers traveling from St. Thomas Cyril E. King Airport (STT) and St. Croix Henry E Rohlsen
International Airport (STX), passengers must purchase their tickets at least 60 minutes prior to the
scheduled departure time of the flight to which such reservation applies or the reservation may be
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 19 of 49
C) Overbooking of Flights
Because passengers with confirmed reservations on a flight sometimes fail to show, Delta reserves
the right to sell more tickets for travel on each flight than there are seats available on the aircraft. In
some cases, this may result in an “oversold flight,” i.e., a flight in which Delta cannot accommodate
one or more passengers with confirmed reservations. In that case, Delta may deny boarding to
passengers with confirmed reservations on the flight. The rights of passengers with confirmed
reservations who are denied boarding due to the oversale of a flight are governed by Rule 245.
D) Missing Reservations
Once a passenger obtains a ticket that reflects confirmed space for a specific flight and date from
Delta or an authorized Delta agent, the reservation is confirmed even if the record is missing from
Delta’s electronic reservations system, unless Delta’s records indicate that the reservation was
cancelled after the ticket was issued.
E) Fictitious Bookings
Multiple bookings of a fictitious nature are prohibited by Delta. In the event Delta determines that an
individual has confirmed such bookings to one or more destination(s) on or about the same date(s),
the carrier reserves the right to cancel all confirmed space associated with the multiple reservations
without notice to the passenger or the person making the booking.
A) Delta Will Cancel reservations of any passenger whenever such action is necessary to comply
with any governmental regulation, or to comply with any governmental request for emergency
transportation in connection with the national defense, or whenever such action is necessary or
advisable by reason of weather or other conditions beyond its control.
B) The Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA) Secure Flight Program requires that Delta collect
the following additional information from passengers when making a reservation to fly within,
or out of the United States and reservations for point-to-point international flights operated by
U.S.- based airlines:
1) Full Name (required), as it appears on government-issued I.D. approved for use
2) Date of Birth (required)
3) Gender (required)
4) Redress Number (optional)
Delta may cancel your reservation if the reservation does not include the required Secure Flight
Passenger Data (full name, date of birth and gender) at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled
departure. This cancellation policy applies to all Delta tickets, including tickets for our
partners’ flights.
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C) Failure To Occupy Space
If the passenger fails to occupy space which has been reserved for him/her on a Delta flight and
Delta fails to receive notice of the cancellation of such reservation prior to the departure of such
flight, or if Delta cancels the reservation of any passenger in accordance with any provision of
this rule, Delta will cancel all reservations held by such passenger on Delta flights for continuing
or return space, provided Delta originally reserved that space.
D) Airport Check-In Time Limits
1) Reservations Subject to Cancellation for Failure to Meet Check-in and Boarding Deadlines
Reservations and seat assignments are subject to cancellation if the passenger is not at the
airport, has not completed the check-in process for his or her flight prior to the applicable
check-in deadlines, and is not at the gate and ready for boarding prior to the applicable boarding
deadlines. The check-in and boarding deadlines in effect on the date of travel will apply. Current
check-in and boarding deadlines are posted at It is the
passenger’s responsibility to arrive at the airport with sufficient time to complete all ticketing,
baggage check, and security clearance procedures and to arrive at the gate ready to board by
these deadlines. The deadlines posted on refer to the number of minutes prior to the
scheduled departure of the flight on which the reservation was made. Failure to comply with
these deadlines will subject the entire itinerary to cancellation.
2) Check-In Definition
a) Check-In is defined as the use of any automated process such as Virtual Check-in,
Delta.Com, Delta Direct, Kiosks or face-to-face contact with a Delta representative
which changes the passengers reserved seat status from “RS” to “CI or CV” on
departing flight on which the passenger’s reservation was made.
Reserved Seat (RS) - A reserved seat is an advance seat assignment that can be
made up to 331 days from the scheduled departure date of the confirmed flight.
Checked-In (CI or CV) - A status indicator in the airline computer system which
denotes the passenger has checked-in for a flight using one of the airlines approved
check-in processes.
When a seat assignment is not available on the passenger’s confirmed flight, they
must present themselves, no earlier than six (6) hours prior to departure, to a Delta
representative for activation on the seat request list.
b) Baggage Check-In
Passengers who intend to check baggage may be subject to additional check-in
requirements. For additional information, refer to Tariff Rule 190.
c) Stand-By Status
Passengers who intend to stand-by for flight must check-in at least 30 minutes prior to
the schedule departure time of the flight. Delta may not be able to accommodate the
passenger’s request for stand-by if this provision is not met. For additional information
on voluntary standby travel, please refer to Tariff Rule 141 - Voluntary Standby Travel.
3) Passenger Responsibility
Passengers must arrive at the airport sufficiently in advance of a flight departure time
(generally, not less than 2 hours) to permit completion of government requirements, security
procedures, and departure processing. Departures will not be delayed for passengers who
are improperly documented, or have not completed all security processing, or have not met
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 21 of 49
the carrier’s check-in requirements. Delta is not liable to the passenger for loss or expense
due to the passenger’s failure to comply with this provision.
E) Delta is not liable when it cancels the reservation of any passenger in accordance with this rule,
1) If such reservation was canceled pursuant to paragraph A) of this rule, Delta will take such
action as is provided in Rules 35 and 240 (Flight Delays/Cancellations);
2) If such reservation was canceled pursuant to other paragraphs of this rule, Delta will refund
in accordance with Rule 270 (Voluntary Refunds).
Voluntary standby travel is prohibited unless allowed by the rules of the fare purchased. When
standby is permitted, the following provisions apply:
A) Coach Voluntary Standby Travel
• Delta reserves the right to discontinue accepting and placing passengers on the airport
standby list based on local and/or system operational requirements.
• Delta reserves the right to limit the number of passengers on the airport standby list or change
the rules of the coach voluntary standby program at any time without notice.
• Eligibility for same day standby is subject to, but not limited to, operational considerations,
selected flights, specified booking classes, credit card form of payment only and the applicable
fare rule governing the passenger’s ticket.
• Voluntary standby travel is subject to, but not limited to, the availability of seats at departure
time and does not imply a guarantee of transportation on the requested flight(s) including the
origin, downline, or connecting flights.
• Delta reserves the right to charge a non-refundable same day standby fee when a passenger
requests to standby for an alternate flight for which the passenger does not hold a confirmed
reservation. The fee, if any, may be assessed based on each flight segment from the
passenger’s origin to destination or next point of stop over. These fees will be charged if the
passenger flies any portion of the flight segment, therefore, passengers that are removed at
intermediate points on through flights and/or voluntarily or involuntarily deplaned at a destination
other than the destination for which the fee was intended (diversion) will not be eligible for a
partial or whole refund. Refer to for current standby fees.
• Delta is not liable to pay compensation, including but not limited to, denied boarding
compensation and amenities, for a failure to provide transportation and/or accommodate the
customer’s voluntary request for standby travel.
• Voluntary standby travel is limited to passengers with a confirmed reservation on the same day
as reflected on the passenger’s ticket. No changes between origin, destination, or co-terminals.
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 22 of 49
No changes to routing for fares that are flight specific or require specific routing.
• Passengers may be placed on the airport standby list with a boarding priority of the airlines
• Delta may choose to accommodate passengers from the airport standby list in a specified
order including but not limited to: ticket value, frequent flyer status, check-in time.
• Delta reserves the right to limit the number of passengers on the airport standby list, only
accept the passenger’s standby request at an airport location and limit the minimum and
maximum time frames that airport standby listing is allowed.
B) Paid Standby Upgrade Program
Delta may offer, on selected flights, the ability for a passenger to standby for a paid standby
upgrade to a premium class of service. The charge will be assessed per segment from origin to
destination based on fare class and mileage. The following rules will apply to the Paid Standby
Upgrade Program:
Delta reserves the right to charge a non-refundable fee when a passenger requests to
upgrade to a premium class of service. A fee will be assessed for each segment of travel.
Refer to for current fees.
A flight segment is one takeoff and one landing from a passenger's boarding point to the
first deplaning point. Each flight coupon represents a segment of a trip.
Paid Standby Upgrade Program is limited to passengers with a confirmed coach cabin
reservation on the same flight and date reflected on the passenger’s ticket.
Only a Delta approved credit card may be used as form of payment for the Paid Standby
Program. The passenger’s credit card will not be charged until the passenger is cleared
from the standby list and given a boarding document for the specified flight. Other types of
payment including but not limited to: cash, vouchers, certificates or promotions are not
The paid standby upgrade program may be offered on select domestic and international
flights as determined by Delta and Delta reserves the right to change the rules of such
program at any time without notice.
Delta is not liable to pay compensation, including but not limited to, denied boarding
compensation and amenities, for failure to provide an upgrade and/or accommodate the
customer’s voluntary request for a paid standby upgrade.
The Paid Standby Upgrade Program is subject to, but not limited to, the availability of seats
at departure time and does not imply a guarantee of an upgrade on the requested flight(s)
including the origin, downline, or connecting flights.
Passengers may be placed on the airport standby list with a boarding priority of the airlines
Delta may choose to accommodate passengers from the airport standby list in a specified
order including but not limited to: ticket value, frequent flyer status, check-in time.
Paid Standby Upgrade fees are non-refundable. These fees will be charged if the
passenger flies any potion of the flight segment, therefore, passengers that are removed at
intermediate points on through flights and/or voluntarily or involuntarily deplaned at a
destination other than the destination for which the fee was intended (diversion) will not be
eligible for a partial or whole refund. If the passenger cannot be re-accommodated in the
upgraded cabin, they may be seated in the coach cabin for the remainder of the flight
Delta reserves the right to not offer and/or discontinue accepting and placing passengers on
the airport standby list based on local and/or system operational requirements.
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 23 of 49
A) Where a local or joint fare is specifically published via the desired routing from point of origin to
point of destination, such fare is applicable over such route.
B) Unless otherwise provided, flights designated by class(es) of service (for example "First Class,"
"Coach," or by other classes), type of aircraft (jet or propeller) and flight departure or arrival
time, as specified in connection with the application of fares, refer to flights bearing such
designations and schedules, flight departure or arrival times, as set forth in the carrier's Official
General Schedule.
C) Fares and charges apply only to air transportation between the airports and/or heliports through
which the cities named in connection with such fares and charges are served by the carrier or
carriers by whom, or on whose behalf, such fares and charges are published. Ground
transportation other than that specified below will be arranged by the passenger at his/her own
EXCEPTION: Passengers making connection at LGA/EWR/JFK airports to/from international
flights scheduled to depart no more than 6 hours after the scheduled arrival of the passenger's
flight at LGA/EWR/JFK airports will be provided ground transportation between above
mentioned airports under the following conditions:
1) Such ground transportation will be provided without charge by independent contractors in
the business of providing such ground transportation, upon request of the passenger.
2) Where ticket coupons have been issued to cover the services of such contractors, and
when such services have not been used, the coupons will have no refund value.
3) Such independent contractors are not agents or servants of any carrier, and Delta does not
assume responsibility for the ground transportation of any passenger and/or his/her
baggage between the airports mentioned above.
Except as otherwise provided, all fares and charges between points in the United States are
stated in dollars and cents of the lawful currency of the United States.
A) When the fare between any 2 points is not specifically published via the desired routing, such
fare shall be constructed by combining those fares, applicable via the desired routing from the
passenger’s point of origin to point of destination, which produce the lowest fare for the class of
service used; provided, however, that such fare will not exceed the lowest fare determined in
accordance with paragraphs 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) of this rule. Delta’s telephone reservation sales
representative will offer customers the lowest applicable fare for itineraries between points in the
United States on Delta, Delta Connection, Delta Shuttle and Delta Codeshare flights for the
flights, dates and class of service requested to which our representatives have access. Fares
not accessible via our telephone reservations system may include, but are not limited to,
unpublished fares, consolidator fares, negotiated fares, tour or package fares, and discounts
available only via Internet web sites.
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 24 of 49
1) Circle-Trip/Round-Trip Maximum
If the fare constructed for such routing exceeds the fare for a circle trip or round trip
constructed from the same point of origin which would include such routing, the circle trip or
round trip fare would apply.
2) Interrupted Travel
If a fare constructed for a trip interrupted by travel other than via the participating carriers
exceeds the applicable through fare for uninterrupted travel via the routing, the applicable
through fare will apply.
3) Maximum Fare- Travel via the same or different classes of service
A combination of fares of the same or different classes of service (see NOTES to paragraph
3 below) may not exceed the lowest of the following fares or combination of fares via the
same carrier(s) between and via the same point:
a) A combination of fares via the class of service used for a portion of the transportation
and fares for a higher class of service for the remainder of the transportation, or
b) A combination of fares via higher classes of service, or
c) A through published fare via a higher class of service;
EXCEPTION: A through published fare via a higher class of service to or from a more
distant point may not be used to construct a fare for an intermediate point(s) if there is a
published fare for the same higher class of service to or from such intermediate point(s).
d) In the event that 2 or more fare types/booking codes are used in an itinerary, the
through fare to be used, if lower than the sum of applicable fares, is the highest fare
type/booking code ranked above.
NOTE: For the purpose of paragraphs a), b) and c), fares are published in the following
descending order of classes of service:
1) First Class - F
2) Business ClassJ, C
3) First Class Restricted - A
4) Business Class Restricted D, I
5) Coach – Y
6) Coach Restricted - B, M, H, Q, K, L, U, T
When a ticket is purchased before the transportation commences or is reissued pursuant to
Rule 255 (Rerouting), the fare applicable to a round trip between two points over the lines of
one or more carriers shall be:
A) When specifically published via the desired routing, the applicable round-trip fare
specifically published by or on behalf of such carrier(s).
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B) When not specifically published via the desired routing, the sum of the one-way fares
applicable to the respective one-way segments or the sum of the round-trip segment fares if
these are published.
A) Except as provided below, when a ticket therefore is purchased before the transportation
commences or is reissued pursuant to Rule 255 (Rerouting), the fare applicable to a circle trip
via participating carriers or partly via participating carriers and partly via other scheduled air
carriers and National Air Taxi Conference members shall be for the portion of carriage via one
or more participating carriers, the sum of 50% of the applicable round-trip fares for the
respective sections, constructed from the point of origin via the route of travel that produces the
lowest fare for the circle trip for class of service used.
B) The provision of this rule will also apply when a portion of a circle trip involves passage other
than by air between any of the following groups of cities:
Miami, FL and Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC
Ontario, CA and Los Angeles, CA
EXCEPTION: The provisions of this rule are not applicable when any portion of the circle trips is
flown via charter services or military air services.
A) Stopovers will be permitted only upon payment of the combination of applicable fares, or
stopover charges.
B) A stopover, as used herein, will occur when a passenger arrives at an intermediate or junction
transfer point on a flight on any carrier, and fails to depart from such intermediate or junction
transfer point within 4 hours after their arrival at such point.
A) Each fare applies only to transportation via the routings specified in connection with such fare.
Any local routing in connection with a fare applicable to transportation over the lines of any one
carrier between any 2 points shall be included in any routing in connection with any published
joint fare which includes transportation over the lines of such carrier between such points,
unless expressly excluded from the joint fare routing or routings.
B) Where more than one local fare applies for the portion of passage via a carrier participating in a
joint fare, the joint fare shall apply only via the routings specified in connection with the lowest
local fare. Delta will provide either written or oral notification to the passenger of any Delta
operated flight booked via Delta’s telephone or Internet reservations systems which possess a
single flight number but which requires an en-route change of aircraft.
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EXCEPTION: The provisions of paragraph B) will not apply to joint fares constructed in
accordance with Rule 165. Travel will be permitted via the routing authorized in connection with
the local fares used in constructing such joint fares.
Ticketed passengers may check baggage for carriage in the cargo compartment of the aircraft and/or may
carry baggage on board the aircraft, subject to the provisions of this rule.
A. Free Baggage Allowance
1. Checked Bags and Carry-On Items
Delta will accept a maximum of one carry-on item free of charge. All baggage must meet the size and
weight limits set forth in this rule to qualify. Lower limits may apply on some flights in Delta’s sole discretion.
Delta may accept additional, larger, or heavier items as checked baggage when space is available. Fees
may apply for checked baggage, as set forth in this rule.
2. One Personal Item
In addition to the carry-on item included within the baggage allowance, passengers may carry one personal
item on to the aircraft. This may include:
A purse
A briefcase
A laptop computer
A camera case
A diaper bag, or
An item of a similar or smaller size to those listed above
3. Personal Assistance Devices and Medical Equipment/Supplies
Subject to the availability of space on the aircraft, passengers may also check or carry on personal assistive
devices such as wheelchairs or crutches, provided the passenger is dependent on them, and medical
supplies or equipment, provided the item meets the applicable size and weight restrictions. Such items do
not count towards the free baggage allowance.
4. Additional Items Which Do Not Count Towards Free Baggage Allowance
Subject to the availability of space on the aircraft, the following items may also be carried on board and do
not count towards the baggage allowance:
Food item for immediate consumption
One box or bag of duty free items
Coat or jacket
One item of reading material
For transportation from points in Hawaii, one box or mesh bag of pineapples
5. Children Traveling on Free or Reduced Fare Tickets
Children traveling free of charge receive no free baggage allowance. Children paying 50 percent or more of
the normal adult fare receive the same free baggage allowance as a passenger paying the adult fare.
B. General Rules for Acceptance of Baggage
1. Subject to Inspection
All baggage is subject to inspection. Delta will not transport baggage that the passenger refuses to submit
for inspection.
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2. Suitable for Transport
Delta may refuse to accept for transport as baggage any item that, in Delta’s sole judgment:
Creates a risk of harm or annoyance to other passengers
Poses a risk to other baggage or cargo
Delta is prohibited from carrying by any law, regulation or government directive
Is in a condition which creates an unreasonable risk of damage to the baggage under normal
handling conditions; or
Is otherwise unsuitable for transportation
3. Restricted Articles
Delta will not accept as baggage any article which is listed in the DOT hazardous materials regulations (49
CFR 171-177); the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instruction for the Safe Transport of
Dangerous Goods by air and/or the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on
flights other than those operated by Delta Connection carriers, Delta will accept a maximum of 5.5lbs/2.5kg
of dry ice in checked or carry-on baggage. The passenger must declare such dry ice at the initial point of
C. Carry-On Baggage
The following additional conditions apply to the acceptance of carry-on baggage.
1. Subject to Space Availability
Acceptance of carry-on baggage is subject to space availability on the aircraft at the time the passenger
boards. If adequate space is not available, Delta may require that the baggage be checked. Delta will gate
check the baggage free of charge assuming the item meets Delta’s general size limit for carry-on baggage
2. Stowage During Flight
All carry-on baggage must be retained in the passenger's custody and stored under a seat or in an overhead
compartment approved for the carriage of such baggage.
3. Size Limits for Carry-On Baggage
Carry-on baggage may not exceed a maximum outside linear dimension of 45 inches.
4. Responsibility for Carry-On Baggage
Carry-on baggage which remains in the custody of the passenger is the sole responsibility of the passenger.
Delta will not accept claims for lost, forgotten, or stolen carry-on baggage unless such baggage is tendered
to Delta's in-flight personnel for storage during flight or otherwise delivered into the custody of Delta.
Storage in overhead bins or under a seat shall not be construed as delivery into Delta’s custody.
D. Cabin Seat Baggage
As an alternative to checking baggage, passengers may request that items of baggage which do not qualify
as carry-on luggage be transported as cabin seat baggage, subject to the provisions of this rule.
1. Stowage of Cabin Seat Baggage
Cabin seat baggage must be carried aboard the aircraft by the passenger and properly secured in a seat
available for stowage of cabin seat baggage. On Delta-operated flights, seats available for cabin seat
baggage stowage include any seat within a passenger compartment, provided that a physical bulkhead or
divider is present at the front of the compartment. On flights operated by Delta Connection carriers, cabin
seat baggage may be located only in the first row of seats behind the bulkhead row of seats or in a row
forward of the most forward-seated passenger. Acceptance of cabin seat baggage is subject to space
availability on the aircraft, and is not available on all flights.
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2. Fee for Cabin Seat Baggage
The fee for carriage of cabin seat baggage is the full applicable fare for that portion of the trip on which the
extra seat is used. Cabin seat baggage will not be included in determining the free baggage allowance or
excess baggage charges.
3. Restrictions on Acceptance of Cabin Seat Baggage
The following additional restrictions apply:
Baggage must not exceed 100 lbs./ 45 kg unless otherwise set forth in this rule.
The passenger and baggage must occupy the same compartment.
Baggage must not contain dangerous goods.
Baggage must be packaged or covered in a manner to avoid possible injury to passengers.
Baggage must be properly secured by a seat belt to eliminate the possibility of shifting during
ground and flight operations.
The location of the baggage must not restrict access to or the use of any required emergency or
regular exit, or the aisle in the cabin.
The location of the baggage must not obscure any passenger's view of the seat belt, no smoking or
required exit signs.
E. Checked Baggage
The following additional conditions apply to the acceptance of checked baggage.
1. Proper Identification
Each piece of checked baggage must have a current identification tag or label on the outside containing the
passenger’s name, address and telephone number.
2. Routing of Checked Baggage
Except as otherwise provided in this rule, baggage will be checked only to the passenger’s destination or
next point of stopover. Baggage will be carried in the same aircraft as the passenger unless Delta
determines in its sole discretion that such carriage is impracticable, in which case Delta will carry the
baggage on the next preceding or subsequent flight on which space is available. Baggage may be
reclaimed at an intermediate point only if:
a) Connection Time Exceeding Four Hours
Passengers making connections to the first available Delta flight departing from an intermediate point may
reclaim their baggage at the intermediate point if the connection exceeds four hours.
b) Transfer Between Airports
For passengers connecting to flights scheduled to depart from an airport different from the one at which the
passenger is scheduled to arrive, baggage will be checked to the airport from which the passenger will
transfer to the connecting airport.
3. Delivery of Checked Baggage
At the time of check-in, Delta will issue a baggage check to the passenger identifying each item of baggage
accepted for transport as checked baggage. Delta will deliver checked baggage to the bearer of the
baggage check at the baggage claim area of the airport destination shown in the baggage check. It is the
passenger’s responsibility to claim the checked baggage at the baggage claim area and to present the
baggage check, if requested, when doing so. Delta assumes no obligation to verify the identity of the bearer
at the destination airport.
4. Time Limits for Baggage Check-In
Delta may refuse to accept for checking any baggage that is not tendered to Delta at the airport curbside or
ticket counter acceptance positions by the check-in deadlines specified in Rule 135.
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5. Size and Weight Limits for Checked Baggage
Except as otherwise provided in this rule, checked baggage may not exceed a maximum outside linear
dimension of 62 inches or a maximum weight of 50 lbs. Delta may in its discretion accept larger or heavier
baggage, but may require payment of an excess baggage fee, as set forth below.
6. Excess Baggage Fees
Delta may, in its sole discretion, accept for transport baggage in excess of the maximum number, size
and/or weight allowances described above. Such baggage will be accepted for transportation only upon the
payment of the excess baggage fees specified in this rule. The excess baggage fees set forth below apply
each way, and are cumulative, i.e., a single item of baggage may be subject to additional item, oversize, and
overweight charges if applicable. In addition to these charges, baggage connecting to other airlines may be
subject to the connecting airline's charges for additional, oversize, and/or overweight baggage.
a) Additional Items of Baggage
Each item of checked baggage in excess of the baggage allowance, if accepted, is subject to an excess
baggage piece fee as set forth in the table below. Subject to space availability, Delta may accept up to 10
total checked bags per passenger on flights operated by Delta Air Lines and up to a total of 4 total checked
bags per passenger on flights operated by a Delta Connection carrier.
Domestic Baggage
1st Bag
2nd Bag
Extra Piece
Bag Overweight 51-70
Bag Overweight 71-100
Bag Oversize 63-80
b) Oversize Baggage
Delta may accept baggage with a maximum outside linear dimensions exceeding 62 inches, but not
exceeding 80 inches, as oversize baggage. Except as otherwise set forth in this rule, each item of such
baggage, if accepted, is subject to the following oversize baggage fees:
1) for items exceeding 62 inches, but not exceeding 80 inches USD200
c) Overweight Baggage
Delta may accept baggage weighing more than 50 lbs. but not exceeding 100 lbs., as overweight baggage.
Each item of such baggage, if accepted, is subject to an overweight baggage fee as set forth in the following
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Domestic Baggage Fees
Bag Overweight 51-70 lbs
Bag Overweight 71-100 lbs
Except as otherwise set forth in this rule, baggage weighing more than 100 lbs. will not be accepted as
checked baggage.
d) Exception for Active Duty Military Personnel
Active duty U.S. military personnel traveling on orders to or from duty stations and active U.S. military
dependents traveling on relocation orders are allowed up to four checked bags in Delta’s Economy Class
and Delta Connection ® carriers (regardless of cabin), and up to five checked bags in First and Business
Class on Delta aircraft only, at no charge. Each bag may weigh up to 70 lbs. (32 kg) and measure up to 80
linear inches (203 cm).
Additionally, military personnel traveling on personal business will be allowed two checked bags up to 50 lbs
(23 kg) and 62 linear inches (158 cm) at no charge.
e) Exception for Media
Camera, film, video tape, lighting, and sound equipment will be accepted when tendered by
representatives of network or local television broadcasting companies or commercial film-making
companies, upon payment of $50 per article with the maximum weight allowed of 100 lbs and size of up
to 115 total linear inches.
F. Acceptance of Fragile, Perishable, or Precious Items
1. Items Deemed to Be Fragile, Perishable, or Precious
The classes of items listed below are deemed to be fragile, perishable, precious, or otherwise unsuitable as
checked baggage and will not be accepted as baggage, except as set forth in this subsection.
a) Artistic Items
Vases, figurines, ceramic articles, trophies, paintings, sculpture, antique furniture, and similar objects of art.
b) Electronic and Mechanical Items
Television sets, radios, amplifiers, speakers, tape recorders, video recorders, DVD players, digital music or
video devices, electronic communications devices, calculators, computers, typewriters, dictation equipment,
and similar electronic or mechanical items.
c) Glass
Terrariums, mirrors, crystal, china and glass containers for liquors, wines, beer, liqueurs, and perfumes, and
similar items fabricated from glass or similar materials.
d) Infant Items
Fragile items for infant care, including without limitation strollers and car seats.
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e) Jewelry or Precious Metals
Jewelry, silverware, precious metals, and similar highly valuable items.
f) Musical Instruments And Equipment
Guitars, violins, trombones, drums, and other musical instruments or equipment.
g) Perishable Items
Fresh or frozen foodstuffs such as fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, and bakery products; floral and
nursery stock such as flower, fruit, and vegetable plants; cut flowers and foliage such as floral displays; and
similar items of a perishable nature.
h) Photographic/Cinematographic Equipment
Cameras, lenses, flash bulbs, projectors, video cameras, and other photographic or cinematographic
i) Precision Items
Microscopes, oscilloscopes, meters, counters, polygraphs, scales, and similar precision equipment.
j) Recreational And Sporting Goods
Fragile recreational or sporting goods of any kind, including without limitation archery equipment, golf clubs,
tennis rackets, skis, fishing rods, sculls, surfboards, scuba diving masks and pressure gauges, scopes,
sporting trophies such as animal horns and antlers, skin diving gear, model airplanes, bicycles, backpacks,
knapsacks, sleeping bags, and tents made of plastic, vinyl, or other easily tearable material with aluminum
frames, outside pockets, or protruding straps and buckles.
k) Toys
Dolls, dollhouses, model trains and airplanes, and similar toys of a fragile nature.
l) Valuable or Fragile Papers
Cash, cash equivalents, securities, negotiable instruments, irreplaceable documents, advertising displays,
models, sketches, blueprints, maps, and other valuable or fragile paper materials.
m) Other Fragile or Perishable Items
Any item not otherwise listed above which, by its nature or packaging, is subject to damage or spoilage
during its carriage as checked baggage, despite exercise by the carrier of ordinary care in its handling.
2. Acceptance of Fragile, Perishable or Precious Items
a) Duty to Identify Fragile, Perishable, or Precious Items
The passenger must identify all fragile, perishable, or precious items contained in any baggage tendered to
Delta for carriage at the time of check-in.
b) Precious or Highly Valuable Items
Precious or other highly valuable items, including without limitation cash, cash equivalents, securities,
negotiable instruments, irreplaceable documents, jewelry, silverware, precious metals, works of art,
computers, electronic equipment, photographic equipment, and any other items that cannot be easily
replaced if lost or damaged may not be transported in checked baggage.
c) Acceptance of Properly Packaged Fragile Items
Except as provided below, fragile items will be accepted as checked baggage only if, in Delta’s sole
determination, the items are appropriately packaged in an original factory-sealed carton, cardboard mailing
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tube, a container or case designed for shipping such items, or packed with protective internal material
sufficient to protect the items from damage during ordinary handling, and are otherwise suitable for transport
under these rules.
d) Acceptance of Other Fragile or Perishable Items
Perishable items and fragile items not accepted by Delta pursuant to the preceding section may be accepted
upon the condition that the passenger agree in advance and in writing to release the carrier of liability for
loss or damage resulting from the unsuitability of such items as checked baggage and/or the inadequacy of
their packaging, in a Limited Liability Release form to be provided by Delta.
G. Acceptance of Animals
1. Acceptance of Pets as Checked or Cabin Baggage
On most flights, Delta will accept for transportation as baggage, cats, dogs, household birds, guinea pigs,
rabbits, and hamsters which are kept as personal pets or as show or exhibition animals, subject to the
provisions of this rule. Delta does not accept snub-nosed or pug-nosed pets as checked baggage. Carriage
of any other pets as baggage will be determined on a case by case basis at Delta’s sole discretion. Animals
that Delta will not accept as baggage may, under certain circumstances, be shipped as air cargo. Please
contact Delta or visit for rules applicable to cargo shipments. This rule does not apply to the
transportation of service animals pursuant to Rule 55.
a) Advance Arrangements Required
Advance arrangements must be made with Delta to transport pets as checked or carry-on baggage.
Animals are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
b) Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
The passenger is solely responsible for compliance with any applicable laws, customs, and/or other
governmental regulations, requirements, or restrictions of the country, state, or territory to which the animal
is being transported.
c) Financial Responsibility
The passenger is responsible for all financial obligations involved in transporting the animal, including but
not limited to the cost of obtaining vaccinations, health certificates, and quarantine charges.
2. Special Conditions for Acceptance of Animals As Checked Baggage
The following additional conditions apply to acceptance of animals as checked baggage.
a) Environmental Conditions
Delta will not accept animals as checked baggage when, in Delta’s sole discretion, environmental conditions
may pose a hazard to the safety or comfort of the animal. In particular, and without limitation of the
foregoing, animals will not be accepted during the following periods or on the following flights:
(1) Summer Embargo
Animals will not be accepted as checked baggage from May 15 to September 15, unless the passenger is
military or government personnel with return orders and/or traveling with pets from Hawaii for duty.
(2) Maximum temperature
Warm-blooded live animals will not be accepted as checked baggage if the temperature is expected to be
above 85F / 29C at any point during the animal’s journey.
(3) Minimum temperature
Delta will not accept warm blooded live animals as checked baggage when the temperature is expected to
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be below 10F / -12C. The minimum temperature does not apply to sled dogs or other animals that normally
live outdoors and are naturally acclimated to cold temperatures.
(4) Winter Embargo
Animals will not be accepted as checked baggage on flights operated between Salt Lake City (SLC) and
Sun Valley, ID (SUN), Twin Falls, ID (TWF), or Jackson Hole, WY (JAC) from November 1 through March
b) Transfer to Another Carrier
Animals will not be checked beyond a point of transfer to another carrier.
c) Approved Container Required
(1) Compliance with USDA Requirements
Animals accepted as checked baggage must be confined in a shipping kennel approved by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA). The passenger is responsible for insuring that the container meets all
governmental requirements for the safe and humane transportation of the animal being transported.
Without limitation of the foregoing, containers must be large enough to allow the animal to stand upright and
turn around and must be leak proof. Delta may refuse to accept any animal as checked baggage if, in its
sole discretion, the animal is not properly confined in an approved container.
(2) Size and Weight Limitations
Size and weight limitations for containers that will be accepted as checked baggage also apply, and vary
depending upon the aircraft and operating carrier. For current information on the size and weight limitations
that apply to specific flights, contact Delta or visit
(3) Number of Animals Per Container
No more than one adult dog or cat may occupy a single container. Two puppies or kittens may occupy a
single container provided they are less than 6 months of age and weigh less than 20 lbs. each. Two
household birds will be permitted in the same container.
(4) Number of Containers Per Passenger
Delta will accept no more than two containers per passenger as checked baggage on most flights. For
flights operated by some Delta Connection carriers, only one container per passenger will be accepted.
3. Special Conditions for Acceptance of Animals As Baggage In The Passenger
In addition to the general baggage rules set forth above, the following special conditions apply to
acceptance of personal pets as carry-on baggage in the passenger compartment.
a) Animals Accepted as Baggage in the Passenger Compartment
Personal pets that may be accepted as baggage in the passenger compartment include dogs, cats, and
household birds. Other pets or animals are not accepted. The pet must be small enough to fit comfortably in
a kennel under the seat directly in front of the passenger, and must be at least eight weeks old. Pets will not
be accepted as carry-on baggage on flights to/from Hawaii.
b) Size and Weight Limitations
Maximum carry-on kennel dimensions apply and vary depending upon the aircraft and operating carrier. For
current information on the size limitations that apply to specific flights, contact Delta or visit
c) Container and Animal Storage
The container must be stored under the seat directly in front of the passenger. The animal will not be
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 34 of 49
carried in the first (bulkhead) row or adjacent to an emergency exit. The animal must remain in the
container while in the boarding area or Delta airport lounge, during boarding or deplaning, and at all times
while on board the aircraft.
d) Removal of Offensive or Disruptive Animals
In the event the animal becomes offensive or causes a disturbance during transit, the animal may be
removed, at the captain's discretion, at the first en route stop and placed in the cargo compartment for
continuing transportation.
e) Maximum Number of Animals Accepted Per Passenger
A passenger may not carry on more than one pet.
f) Maximum Number of Animals Accepted Per Flight
Delta limits the number of pets that will be accepted for carriage in the passenger compartment on each
flight as follows:
two pets in the First Class cabin, if applicable
two pets in the BusinessElite cabin, if applicable
four pets in the main (Coach) cabin on Delta-operated flights
two pets in the main (Coach) cabin on flights operated by Delta Connection carriers
Note: For aircraft with only one cabin the total allotment is four pets on flights operated by either
Delta or the Delta Connection Carriers.
g) Unaccompanied Minors
Animals may travel with unaccompanied minors. Pet in Cabin fees apply in addition to the UMNR service
4. Charges for Animals Accepted as Baggage
a) Animals Accepted As Checked Baggage
The fee for carriage of animals accepted as checked baggage is USD $200 one way. The animal and its
container will not be included in determining the free baggage allowance.
b) Animals Accepted as Carry-On Baggage
The fee for carriage of animals accepted in the passenger cabin is USD $125 one way. Acceptance of the
animal for carriage in the passenger compartment will be in lieu of one piece of carry-on baggage.
H. Acceptance of Other Special Items
Special baggage rules apply to certain categories of items, as set forth below. Except as stated below, the
general baggage rules, including fees for excess, overweight, and oversize baggage, and the restrictions on
acceptance of fragile or perishable items, apply to the carriage of these special items.
1. Antlers and Game Meat
a) Antlers
Antlers may be accepted as checked baggage. These items will be subject to a charge of USD150 each
way. Antlers must be as free of residue as possible. The skull must be wrapped and tips protected. Linear
dimensions must not exceed 115 inches; no oversized fees apply. Applicable overweight fee applies for
antlers weighing more than 70 lbs; antlers weighing over 100 lbs will not be accepted. Antlers that do not
arrive with the passenger will be held at the local baggage service office for pick up or will be delivered at
the passenger’s expense.
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b) Game Meat
On most flights, Delta will accept game meat for transportation subject to the rules for carriage of perishable
items. Game meat is not permitted in checked baggage on flights from Jackson Hole, Wyoming (JAC).
2. Bicycles
Bicycles will be accepted as checked baggage. These items will be subject to a charge of USD150/CAD150
each way. Linear dimensions must not exceed 115 inches. Bikes with linear dimensions exceeding 115
inches will not be accepted . Applicable overweight fee applies for bicycles weighing more than 70 lbs;
bicycles weighing over 100 lbs will not be accepted. Non-motorized touring or racing bicycles with single
seats may be accepted as checked baggage on most flights: Bicycles must be packaged in a cardboard or
canvas container with handlebars fixed sideways and pedals removed, or with handlebars and pedals
encased in plastic, Styrofoam, or other similar material. Limits on the total number of bicycles that may be
accepted apply for some Delta Connection flights. For those flights, advance reservations are required.
3. Child restraint seat
A DOT-approved child restraint seat will be accepted for transportation in the passenger compartment when
an additional seat is reserved, a ticket is purchased, and the restraint seat can be properly secured by the
seat belt. If no ticket for the infant is purchased, Delta may, at its discretion, accept the seat for
transportation in the passenger compartment if space is available. If no space is available, the child seat
restraint must be checked as baggage at the gate, and will not count against the passenger’s checked
baggage allowance. Child carrier devices without DOT approval labels may not be used to secure the child
when the seat belt sign is illuminated.
4. Fishing Equipment
Fishing poles (if properly encased) may be accepted if the maximum outside linear dimensions exceed 62
inches, but do not exceed 115 inches; standard excess size charges apply for items over 80 inches and all
other standard baggage charges apply.
5. Golfing Equipment
One piece of golf equipment may be accepted as checked baggage. Standard checked baggage fees
apply. Overweight baggage fees will apply to bags that exceed 50 lbs. Oversized baggage fees will be
waived for golf bags that exceed 62 linear inches and are less than or equal to 115 linear inches. Bags
exceeding 115 linear inches will not be accepted.
One item of golfing equipment is defined as:
1. one golf bag containing one set of golf clubs
2. golf balls and tees; and
3. 1 pair of golf shoes
Golf clubs will be accepted as checked baggage under the following conditions:
Golf bag is packaged within a hard-shell case
Golf bag is packaged within a soft-sided golf club travel bag after a limited release has been signed
Delta is not responsible for damage noted at the time of check-in or damage due to over-packing
6. Hockey/Lacrosse Equipment
Items of hockey/lacrosse equipment may be accepted as checked baggage. One item of hockey/lacrosse
equipment is defined as one equipment bag plus two hockey or lacrosse sticks (taped together). The
maximum outside linear dimensions may exceed 62 inches and no excess size charges apply. All other
standard baggage charges apply.
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7. Musical Instruments
Subject to the rules for carriage of fragile items and the other rules set forth above, Delta may accept
musical instruments or equipment whose outside linear dimensions do not exceed 150 inches provided the
weight, including case, does not exceed 165 lbs. Standard overweight, oversize and piece baggage charges
or cabin seat luggage charges apply. Musical instruments exceeding 100lbs will be subject to the
overweight fee applied to baggage weighing between 70 and 100lbs.
8. Scuba-Diving Equipment
One dive bag containing scuba equipment other than an empty dive tank may be accepted as checked
baggage. An empty dive tank will be accepted as checked baggage and will be subject to a USD150 fee
each way. The outside linear dimensions may be between 62 and 115 inches, but standard excess size
charges apply. Tanks with linear dimensions exceeding 115 inches will not be accepted. Tanks weighing
over 70 lbs will be subject to excess weight charges.
9. Shooting Equipment (Sporting Firearms)
Items of shooting equipment will be accepted as checked baggage only subject to the conditions and
charges specified below.
a) Shooting Equipment Defined
One item of shooting equipment is defined as:
one bow and quiver of arrows and maintenance kit enclosed in a case or container of sufficient
strength to protect the bow and quiver from accidental damage
one gun case containing up to four rifles/shotguns/shooting material/tools
one gun case containing up to five handguns/one scope/tools
b) Conditions Of Acceptance
Firearms must be unloaded and packed in a locked, hard side case with a key or combination in possession
of the passenger only. Small arms ammunition must be packed in the manufacturer's original package or
securely packed in fiber, wood or metal boxes, or other packaging specifically designed to carry small
amounts of ammunition. Ammunition with explosive or incendiary projectiles, gun powder, propellant
charges for muzzle loading firearms such as Pyrodex, and black powder will not be accepted. Ammunition
exceeding 5 kg. (11 lb.) gross weight per passenger will not be accepted and may not be combined into one
or more packages. For transportation via Delta flights operated by SkyWest, the maximum amount of
ammunition accepted is 10 lbs. Ammunition and gun powder will not be accepted as carry-on baggage.
c) Compliance with Applicable Law
It is the passenger’s sole responsibility to comply with government laws, regulations or restrictions dealing
with the possession or prohibition of firearms or other dangerous items. Disclosure of checking a firearm or
prohibited item must be made at the first point of contact with a Delta Representative and prior to the
security check point.
d) Charges
All standard baggage charges apply.
10. Ski/Snowboard Equipment
Items of skiing/snowboard equipment may be accepted as checked baggage. One item of skiing equipment
is defined as one pair of skis/ski poles or one snowboard, and one boot bag. The combined weight of the
ski/snowboard bag and the boot bag may not exceed 50lb or excess weight charges will apply. The
maximum outside linear dimensions may exceed 62 inches, and no excess size charges apply. All standard
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baggage charges apply. Equipment exceeding 115 linear inches will not be accepted.
11. Surfboards
Surfboards must be checked in a case designed to protect them. If not presented in an appropriate
protective case, the item will be accepted only if the passenger executes a Limited Liability Release for
fragile items as set forth above. All surfing equipment will be charged per container at a rate of USD150
each way up to 70lbs. Surfboards are limited to two (2) boards per container. Surfboards over 70lbs will be
charged the applicable excess weight charge in addition to the flat rate fee. The maximum outside linear
dimensions may not exceed 115 inches. Surfboards are not accepted on flights operated by ExpressJet.
Boogie boards not exceeding 43in/107cm will be accepted as part of the free bag allowance.
12. Windsurfing Equipment
Windsurfing equipment consisting of up to two (2) windsurfing boards with a wooden boom, and one mast
and sail contained in one bag will be accepted on most Delta-operated flights, subject to the rules governing
acceptance of fragile items set forth above. This equipment will be subject to a charge of USD150 each way
up to 70lbs allowed at this rate. Windsurfing equipment is per container, additional containers will be
charged per container the excess bag rate. Windsurf equipment over 70lbs will be charged the applicable
excess weight charge in addition to the flat rate fee. Windsurf equipment over 115 inches will not be
accepted. Windsurfing equipment will not be accepted for transportation on MD-80 aircraft or on aircraft
operated by Delta Connection carriers.
13. Pole Vault/Javelin Equipment
Delta will accept Pole Vault/Javelin Equipment as checked baggage provided it does not exceed 80” in
length. If the item exceeds 80” in length or the allotted weight limit then excess baggage fees apply. All
standard baggage charges apply.
I. Baggage Liability
1. General Limitation of Liability For Loss of, Damage to, or Delay in Delivery of
Delta’s liability for the loss of, damage to, or delay in the delivery of a fare-paying passenger's personal
property delivered into Delta’s custody, including checked baggage and carry-on baggage tendered to
Delta's in-flight personnel for storage during flight or otherwise delivered into the custody of Delta, shall be
limited to proven damage or loss. Actual value for reimbursement of lost or damaged property shall be
determined by the documented original purchase price less any applicable depreciation for prior usage.
Under no circumstances shall the liability for loss of, damage to, or delay in the delivery of baggage exceed
$3,400 per fare-paying passenger unless the passenger elects to declare a higher value in advance and pay
for excess valuation as provided below. These limitations shall also apply to baggage or personal property
accepted by Delta for temporary storage at a city or airport ticket office or elsewhere before or after the
passenger's trip.
2. Option to Declare A Higher Value
At the time baggage is checked, the passenger may declare a value in excess of the maximum liability limit
set forth above, subject to payment of the additional fees set forth below. If a higher value is declared and
the applicable excess valuation fee is paid, Delta's liability shall not exceed such higher declared value.
Declared value for personal property, including baggage, shall not exceed $5,000.00. When a passenger
holds connecting space from Delta to another carrier and declares excess valuation, baggage will be
checked to the final Delta destination only.
Total Amount Of Declared Value
Excess Valuation Fee
$3400.01 to 4000.00
$4000.01 to 5000.00
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3. Damage From Protruding Parts
Delta shall not be liable for loss or damage to articles due to protruding parts, including but not limited to
feet, wheels, pull straps and pull handles.
4. No Waiver
Failure by Delta to enforce the maximum limitations of liability at $3,400 shall not be construed as a waiver
of the right to limit liability at some higher amount.
5. Special Items
a) Wheelchairs and Personal Assistive Devices
The maximum liability limitations set forth above shall not apply to claims for the loss of, damage to, or delay
in the delivery of wheelchairs or other assistive devices. Delta will accept these items as checked baggage
regardless of packaging, but will not be responsible for repair or replacement of such items due to damage
existing at the time of acceptance. Any such damage will be noted by Delta on a release form at the time of
b) No Liability for Loss or Damage to Fragile, Perishable, or Precious Items Not
Identified to Delta at the Time of Check-In
Delta shall not be liable for any loss or damage to precious items, nor for deterioration or spoilage resulting
from delay in delivery of any perishable items, nor for damage to, or damage caused by, fragile articles that
are unsuitably packed, if such items are included in the passenger's checked baggage without Delta’s
knowledge. It is the responsibility of the passenger to identify such items to Delta at the time of check-in. .
c) Fragile or Perishable Items Accepted Pursuant to Limited Liability Release
Delta will not be liable for loss of, damage to, or delay in the delivery of a passenger's baggage or other
property accepted by Delta pursuant to the execution of a Limited Liability Release form executed by the
passenger for the purpose of inducing Delta to carry the item, except as expressly provided by the terms
and conditions of the Limited Liability Release form executed by the passenger.
6. Loss Due To Government or Airport Action
Delta is not liable for loss, damage, or delay of a passenger’s checked baggage, carry-on baggage,
wheelchair or assistive device, or any personal item that may result from a security search of such items
conducted by an agent of any local, state, or federal agency in charge of airport security screening, or from
confiscation by an agent of any local, state, or federal agency.
7. Time Limitations for Baggage Claims
No action shall be maintained for any loss of, or damage to, or any delay in the delivery of baggage arising
out of or in connection with transportation of, or failure to transport any passenger or baggage unless notice
of a claim is presented to an office of Delta within 24 hours after the alleged occurrence of the events giving
rise to the claim, and unless the action is commenced within one year after such alleged occurrence. Any
notification received within 24 hours which informs the carrier of the nature of the claim is sufficient to meet
the requirements for timely notice. Delta reserves the right to deny any claim not presented within 24 hours
of the alleged occurrence. Written notification of loss must be received by Delta's system baggage within 21
days after the alleged occurrence. Delta reserves the right to deny any claim in the event of failure to give
such notice within 21 days.
8. Carriage By Multiple Carriers
When the transportation is over the lines of Delta and one or more carriers with a limitation of liability
exceeding $3,400 for each fare-paying passenger and responsibility for loss, damage, or delay in delivery of
baggage cannot be determined, the liability limit of $3,400 for each fare-paying passenger will be applied to
all carriers. Whenever responsibility for loss, damage, or delay in delivery of baggage cannot be determined
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and when transportation is via Delta and one or more carriers which exclude certain items in checked
baggage from their liability, Delta will not be liable for the excluded items.
J. Governing Rules for Domestic Codeshare Flights
When the passenger’s travel involves domestic flights operated by a Delta domestic codeshare partner
other than a Delta Connection carrier, the baggage rules of the marketing carrier on the first segment of a
round trip, or the marketing carrier on the first segment of each one way trip will govern for the purposes of
determining baggage acceptance policies and applicable baggage fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
baggage liability provisions set forth above shall govern the liability of Delta and/or any Delta Connection
carrier with respect to any transportation subject to this contract of carriage.
A. Flight Schedules are Not Guaranteed
Delta will exercise reasonable efforts to carry passengers and their baggage according to
Delta’s published schedules and the schedule reflected on the passenger’s ticket, but
published schedules, flight times, aircraft type, seat assignments, and similar details
reflected in the ticket or Delta’s published schedules are not guaranteed and form no part of
this contract. Delta may substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, delay or cancel flights,
change seat assignments, and alter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket at any time.
Schedules are subject to change without notice. Except as stated in this rule, Delta will
have no liability for making connections, failing to operate any flight according to schedule,
changing the schedule for any flight, changing seat assignments or aircraft types, or revising
the routings by which Delta carries the passenger from the ticketed origin to destination.
B. Delta’s Liability in the Event of Schedule Changes, Delays and Flight Cancellations
In the event of flight cancellation, diversion, delays of greater than 90 minutes, or delays that
will cause a passenger to miss connections, Delta will (at passenger’s request) cancel the
remaining ticket and refund the unused portion of the ticket and unused ancillary fees in the
original form of payment in accordance with Rule 260 of these conditions of carriage. If the
passenger does not request a refund and cancellation of the ticket, Delta will transport the
passenger to the destination on Delta’s next flight on which seats are available in the class
of service originally purchased. At Delta’s sole discretion and if acceptable to the passenger,
Delta may arrange for the passenger to travel on another carrier or via ground
transportation. If acceptable to the passenger, Delta will provide transportation in a lower
class of service, in which case the passenger may be entitled to a partial refund. If space on
the next available flight is available only in a higher class of service than purchased, Delta
will transport the passenger on the flight, although Delta reserves the right to upgrade other
passengers on the flight according to its upgrade priority policy to make space in the class
service originally purchased.
C. Delta’s Liability For Additional Amenities in the Event of Schedule Changes, Delays
and Flight Cancellations
Except as provided above, Delta shall have no liability if the flight cancellation, diversion or
delay was due to force majeure. As used in this rule, “force majeure” means actual,
threatened or reported:
(1) Weather conditions or acts of God
(2) Riots, civil unrest, embargoes, war, hostilities, or unsettled international conditions
(3) Strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, lockout, or any other labor-related dispute
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(4) Government regulation, demand, directive or requirement
(5) Shortages of labor, fuel, or facilities
(6) Any other condition beyond Delta’s control or any fact not reasonably foreseen by Delta
However, when for reasons other than force majeure, a passenger’s travel is interrupted for
greater than 4 hours after the scheduled departure time as a result of flight cancellation or
delay on the date of travel Delta will provide the passenger with the following additional
amenities during the delay:
(a) Hotels
If overnight accommodations are available at Delta contracted facilities, Delta will provide
the passenger with a voucher for one night‘s lodging when the delay is during the period of
10:00 pm to 6:00 am. Delta will provide free public ground transportation to the hotel if the
hotel does not offer such service. If accommodations are not available, Delta will provide the
passenger with a voucher that may be applied to future travel on Delta equal in value to the
contracted hotel rate, up to $100 USD.
(b) Ground Transportation
In lieu of lodging or other amenities, if a passenger’s flight is diverted to an alternative
airport, Delta will furnish ground transportation to the destination airport if the destination on
the ticket and the diverted airport destination are within the following city groups:
San Francisco, CA (SFO)/ Oakland, CA (OAK)/ San Jose, CA (SJC)
Los Angeles, CA (LAX)/ Long Beach, CA (LGB)/ Ontario, CA (ONT)/ Santa Ana, CA (SNA)
Denver, CO (DEN)/ Colorado Springs (COS)
O’Hare Chicago, IL (ORD)/ Midway Chicago, IL (MDW)
Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)/ Dallas, TX Love Field (DAL)
Bush Intercontinental Houston, TX (IAH)/ Hobby Houston, TX (HOU)
Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)/ Miami, FL (MIA)/ West Palm Beach, FL (PBI)
Baltimore, MD (BWI)/ National Washington, DC (DCA)/ Dulles Washington, DC (IAD)
Newark, NJ (EWR)/ LaGuardia New York, NY (LGA)/ John F. Kennedy New York, NY
Orlando, FL (MCO)/ Tampa, FL (TPA)/ Daytona Beach, FL (DAB)/ Melbourne, FL (MLB)
(c) Additional Amenities
Delta will provide such additional amenities as are necessary to maintain the safety and/or
welfare of customers with special needs such as unaccompanied children and customers
with disabilities. Such amenities will be furnished consistent with special needs and/or
D. Extended Tarmac Delays Codeshare Services
In the event of extended tarmac delays on flights operated by a Delta codeshare partner,
the contingency plan for lengthy tarmac delays of the operating carrier will apply.
A) Overbooking of Flights
Because passengers with confirmed reservations on a flight sometimes fail to show, Delta
reserves the right to sell more tickets for travel on each flight than there are seats available on
the aircraft. In some cases, this may result in a flight in which Delta cannot accommodate one or
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 41 of 49
more passengers with confirmed reservations (an “oversold flight”). Delta may deny boarding to
passengers with confirmed reservations on an oversold flight as set forth in this rule. The rights
of passengers who are denied boarding shall be governed by this rule.
B) Request For Volunteers
Before denying boarding to any passenger holding a confirmed reservation on an oversold
flight, Delta will ask other passengers on the flight to voluntarily give up their seat in exchange
for compensation in an amount and form to be determined by Delta in its sole discretion. If a
sufficient number of volunteers agree to give up their seats in response to Delta’s offer, then no
passenger with a confirmed reservation will be involuntarily denied boarding due to the oversale
of the flight. If there are more volunteers than required, selection of the volunteer(s) to receive
compensation shall be subject to Delta’s sole discretion.
C) Involuntary Denied Boarding
If an insufficient number of passengers volunteer to give up their seats in response to Delta’s
offer, Delta may involuntarily deny boarding to one or more passengers on the oversold flight
according to the following boarding priority rules:
1) Passengers Holding Tickets for Travel in Premium Cabin and SkyMiles members
identified with a Diamond Medallion (“DM”), Platinum Medallion (“PM”), or Gold
Medallion (“GM”) elite-status designation
Passengers holding tickets for confirmed space in the First or Business class cabin and
SkyMiles members identified with a DM, PM, or GM elite-status designation will be
accommodated before other passengers holding tickets and/or boarding passes for
confirmed space in the coach cabin.
2) Passengers With Boarding Passes
Subject to the terms set forth in Rule 245(c )(1) and (4), passengers holding boarding
passes who check in and present themselves at the departure gate in compliance with
Rule 135(c) will be accommodated before passengers traveling in the same cabin who
have not been issued boarding passes or who fail to comply with applicable check-in
requirements. Subject to the availability of seats on the aircraft, boarding passes may
be obtained by passengers who hold tickets for confirmed reserved space in the
following manner:
a) for passengers traveling on electronic tickets, through the Online Check-in feature
on within 24 hours of scheduled departure
b) for passengers traveling on electronic tickets, through a Delta airport kiosk within
four hours of scheduled departure
c) from a Delta airport ticket counter and/or the check-in desk located in the departure
3) Passengers Without Boarding Passes
Passengers, who are not governed by Rule 245(c)(1) or (4), with confirmed reservations
who have not been issued a boarding pass and present themselves at the departure
gate in compliance with rule 135(c) will be accommodated according to the following
priority rules:
a) Passengers who have been rebooked to the present flight as a result of an irregular
operation (e.g., delay, cancellation) of a previously booked flight.
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b) SkyMiles members identified with a Silver Medallion (“FO”) elite-status designation.
c) Passengers with a SkyTeam Elite or Elite Plus status.
d) Passengers without any elite-status designation.
Within each of the foregoing groups, passengers are prioritized first by class of service
and then by time of check-in.
4) Special Needs Passengers
Because of the special needs of passengers with disabilities, unaccompanied children,
and aged or infirm passengers, and active members of the U.S. Armed Forces on travel
orders, Delta reserves the right to accommodate such passengers without regard to the
boarding priorities established by this provision.
D) Transportation For Passengers Denied Boarding
Delta will provide transportation to passengers who volunteer to relinquish their seats or who
are denied boarding involuntarily due to the oversale of a flight as follows:
1) Next Available Flight
Delta will transport the passenger on its next flight on which space is available to the
passenger’s next stopover, or if none, to the passenger’s destination, at no additional cost
to the passenger.
2) Transportation on Other Airlines
At Delta’s sole discretion, Delta may instead arrange for transportation on any other carrier
or combination of carriers to the passenger’s next stopover, or if none, to the passenger’s
destination, at no additional cost to the passenger.
3) Overnight Stay Required
If the transportation provided to a passenger pursuant to this section requires that the
passenger stay overnight before continuing his/her travel, Delta will provide hotel
accommodations to the passenger at no additional cost. If hotel accommodations are
unavailable, Delta will compensate the passenger with a credit voucher valid for future
purchases from Delta in an amount commensurate in value with the local average
contracted hotel rate up to $100 USD, to be determined by Delta.
E) Compensation For Involuntary Denied Boarding
When a passenger with a confirmed reservation is involuntarily denied boarding on an oversold
flight pursuant to this rule, Delta’s sole liability to the passenger shall be to provide alternative
transportation as provided in paragraph D, above, and to pay denied boarding compensation, if
applicable, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this rule.
1) Conditions For Payment of Involuntary Denied Boarding Compensation
The passenger shall not be entitled to any compensation for involuntary denied boarding if:
a) Passenger’s Failure to Comply with Contract of Carriage
The passenger has not complied fully with Delta’s contract of carriage or tariff
provisions regarding ticketing, reconfirmation, check-in, or acceptability for
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 43 of 49
b) Substitution of Equipment
The flight for which the passenger holds confirmed space is unable to accommodate
that passenger because of substitution of equipment of lesser capacity when required
by operational or safety reasons; or, on an aircraft with a designed passenger capacity
of 60 or fewer seats, the flight for which the passenger holds confirmed reserved space
is unable to accommodate that passenger due to weight/balance restrictions when
required by operational or safety reasons.
c) Carriage in Alternative Cabin
Delta offers to accommodate the passenger in a section of the aircraft other than that
specified on his/her ticket at no extra charge; provided however that if a passenger is
seated in a section for which a lower fare applies, the passenger will be entitled to a
refund of the difference in fare.
d) Alternative Transportation
Delta arranges comparable air transportation, or other transportation used by the
passenger, at no extra cost to the passenger, that at the time such arrangements are
made is scheduled to arrive at the passenger’s next stopover, or, if none, final
destination within one hour after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original
flight or flights.
F) Amount of Involuntary Denied Boarding Compensation
If all conditions for compensation are met, then Delta shall pay compensation to passengers
involuntarily denied boarding in an amount to be calculated as follows:
1) When Delta arranges Qualifying Alternative Transportation
If Delta arranges Qualifying Alternative Transportation, then Delta will pay denied boarding
compensation in an amount equal to 200% of the fare (including any surcharges and air
transportation taxes) to the passenger’s next stopover, or if none, to his/her final destination,
but no more than USD 650.00. Qualifying Alternative Transportation means comparable air
transportation, or other transportation used by the passenger, at no extra cost to the
passenger, that at the time such arrangements are made is scheduled to arrive at the
passenger’s next stopover, or, if none, final destination within two hours after the planned
arrival time of the passenger’s original flight or flights.
2) Where Delta cannot arrange Qualifying Alternative Transportation
If Delta cannot arrange Qualifying Alternative Transportation, then Delta will pay denied
boarding compensation in an amount equal to 400% of the fare (including any surcharges
and air transportation taxes) to the passenger’s next stopover, or if none, to his/her final
destination, but no more than USD 1300.00.
G) Time of Payment for Involuntary Denied Boarding Compensation
If all conditions for compensation are met, Delta will pay any involuntary denied boarding due
under this Rule on the day and at the place where the denial of boarding occurred, in cash or
immediately negotiable check; provided, however, that if the alternative transportation arranged
for the passenger’s convenience departs before the payment can be made to the passenger,
then payment will be made by mail or other means within 24 hours after the denied boarding
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A) The carrier will reroute a passenger at the passenger's request and upon presentation of the
ticket or portion thereof then held by passenger.
EXCEPTION: The provisions of Rule 255(A) shall require the carrier to reissue/reroute only
between points named on the original tickets which are served by the carrier.
B) Fare Applicable To Rerouting Or Change In Destination
1) The passenger may change the routing and/or the ultimate destination designated on the
ticket in accordance with paragraph 2) below, provided that, after transportation has
commenced, a one-way ticket will not be converted into a round-trip, circle-trip or open-jaw
trip ticket.
2) Except as otherwise provided in Rule 240 (flight delays/cancellations), the fares and
charges applicable, when a rerouting or change in ultimate destination is made at
passenger's request at an office of the carrier prior to arrival at the ultimate destination
named on the original ticket, shall be the applicable fare and charges for the entire revised
itinerary in effect on the date that the rerouting or change in ultimate destination is entered
on the passenger's new ticket.
C) Fare Applicable To Upgrading Class Of Service While In Flight
When a passenger moves from one compartment to another compartment of a combination
compartment aircraft while in flight, an additional collection will be made in an amount equal to
the difference between:
a) The one-way fare from passenger's point of origin on such flight to the last scheduled stop
prior to the passenger's change in compartment, applicable to the class of service used,
plus the one-way fare from such stop to the passenger's destination on such flight,
applicable to transportation in the compartment to which the passenger is moving, and
b) The fare paid for transportation from the passenger's origin to destination on such flight.
NOTE: When the amount described in a) above is less than the amount described in b)
above, no additional collection will be made. The acceptance of such passenger in the
compartment to which he/she is moving for travel beyond the next scheduled stopping point
in the flight will be subject to the availability of space. Discounts will not apply.
D) Ticket exchanges (within one year of original issue) pursuant to changes in rules, fares and
charges will be issued according to the following rules for validity dates:
1) Tickets which are reissued as an exchange, (wholly unused or partially used) when the
residual method has been used to determine the reissue value, will have a new validity date
created based on one year from date of exchange.
2) Tickets which are reissued where any or all of the original fares are brought forward on the
new ticket will keep the original validity date.
E) Notwithstanding the provisions of this rule, Delta will not accept for any purposes under this rule,
passenger tickets or related transportation documents issued by any carrier which is in
substantial default of its interline obligations or which voluntarily or involuntarily has become the
subject of bankruptcy proceeding ("The Defaulting Carrier").
EXCEPTION: Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, tickets issued by the defaulting
carrier or its sales agent will be reissued/rerouted only between the points named on the original
ticket that are served by Delta, provided that such tickets were issued by such defaulting carrier
or sales agent in either's capacity as an agent for Delta and specified transportation via Delta.
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When tickets are accepted, no adjustments in fare will be made that would require Delta to
refund money to the passenger.
A) The amount carrier will refund upon surrender of the unused portion of the passenger's tickets
pursuant to rules 35 (refusal to transport), 50 (acceptance of children), or 240 (flight
delays/cancellations) will be:
1) If no portion of the ticket has been used the refund will be an amount equal to the fare paid.
2) If a portion of the ticket has been used and termination (interruption) occurs:
a) At A Fare Breakpoint - The refund will be an amount equal to the fare paid for the
unused transportation from the point of termination (interruption) to the destination or
next stopover point named on the ticket, or to a point at which transportation is to be
resumed. No refund will apply when alternate transportation is provided by Delta and
accepted by the passenger.
b) Within A Fare Component - The refund will be an amount equal to the percentage of
unflown mileage to fare component mileage by prorating the fare paid for the fare
component, from the point of termination/interruption to the destination, or next stopover
point named on the ticket, or to the point at which transportation is to be resumed. No
refund will apply when alternate transportation is provided by Delta and accepted by the
B) Notwithstanding the provisions of this rule Delta will not accept for any purposes under this rule
passenger tickets or related transportation documents issued by any carrier which is in
substantial default of its interline obligations or which voluntarily or involuntarily has become the
subject of bankruptcy proceedings.
A. Fully Refundable Tickets
If your ticket was purchased at a fare that is fully refundable in whole or part, Delta will issue a refund of the
refundable portion of your ticket at your request. You must surrender any unused portion of the ticket at the
time of the refund request. The amount of the refund will be calculated as follows:
1. If no portion of the ticket has been used, Delta will refund the total fare and all taxes, fees or
charges paid.
2. If a portion of the ticket has been used, Delta will refund the difference between the fare and
charges applicable to the ticket as issued and the fare and charges applicable to the transportation covered
by the used portion of the ticket.
B. Nonrefundable Tickets
1. General Rule
Delta will not refund any portion of a fare that is nonrefundable, and Delta will not refund any taxes, fees or
charges collected upon nonrefundable tickets.
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2. Application of Unused Ticket toward Future Purchases
Delta may permit a portion of the fare paid for an unused nonrefundable ticket to be applied toward the
purchase of future travel on Delta, as set forth in the applicable fare rule.
3. Upgrade/Downgrade of Nonrefundable Tickets
Delta may permit passengers purchasing certain nonrefundable fares to upgrade or downgrade those tickets
after purchase, as set forth in the applicable fare rule.
4. Deceased Passengers
Notwithstanding the general rule, in the event of death of the passenger prior to the date of travel, tickets
issued at nonrefundable fares will be refunded to the deceased passengers’ estate.
5. Administrative Service Fee
Delta may charge an administrative service fee for processing any permitted changes to nonrefundable
tickets. If so, this fee will be deducted from any refunded amount or collected at the time the change is
C. Time Limit for Request Refunds
No refund will be issued on any ticket unless Delta receives a request for the refund and any unused
coupons are surrendered to Delta within one year of the original issue date of the ticket.
D. Form of Refund
Delta will issue refunds on eligible tickets as follows:
1. Tickets paid for by credit card will be refunded to the credit card account used to purchase the
ticket, typically within seven business days of Delta's initial receipt of refund request.
2. Tickets paid for by cash or check will be refunded by check issued to the person named as a
passenger on the ticket, typically within 20 business days of Delta's receipt of initial refund request.
3. Prepaid ticket advice and/or miscellaneous charge orders will be refunded to the purchaser of the
prepaid ticket advice and/or miscellaneous charge order.
4. Tickets charged under a universal air travel plan will be refunded to the subscriber against whose
account the ticket was charged.
5. Tickets issued against governmental transportation requests shall be issued as required by
applicable government regulation
E. Lost or Stolen Tickets
Delta will issue refunds on lost, fully refundable paper tickets only if a claim for refund is received by Delta
no later than one month after the expiration date of the ticket. A service charge of USD 100.00 per ticket for
handling a request for refund of a lost ticket/exchange order will apply, and Delta will require that you agree,
in such forms as may be prescribed by Delta, to indemnify Delta for any loss or damage which Delta may
sustain by reason of the use of the lost ticket. The amount of the refund shall be calculated as follows:
1. If no portion of the ticket has been used, Delta will refund the fare and charges paid, less any
applicable service charges.
2. If you used a portion of the lost ticket, Delta will provide a refund as follows:
Delta Domestic General Rules Tariff Page 47 of 49
a. If you purchased a new ticket covering the same transportation as that covered by the
unused portion of the lost ticket, Delta will refund the fare and charges paid for the new ticket.
b. If you did not purchase a new ticket, Delta will refund the difference, if any, between the
fares and charges paid, and the full fare for the transportation used.
F. Refund of Interline Tickets
Notwithstanding the provisions of this rule Delta will not accept for any purposes under this rule, passenger
tickets or related transportation documents issued by any carrier which is in substantial default of its interline
obligations or which voluntarily or involuntarily has become the subject of bankruptcy proceedings.
Delta will not absorb the passenger facility charge (PFC) at the PFC adjustment point shown in
the table below for connection passengers by reducing the base fare on the ticket by the
equivalent PFC amount. This applies only on tickets that contain wholly U.S. domestic travel in
the 50 U.S. States, plus the District of Columbia. Any ticket that includes a segment to or from a
point outside of this area is not eligible for this fare adjustment. The connecting passengers
eligible for this PFC base fare adjustment are those that do not have a stopover or fare break at
the connection point, and must be on a Delta local fare over the PFC adjustment point. This
adjustment does not apply for passengers on joint fares over the connection point.PFC
adjustment point: ORL
Delta will impose a service charge of USD 100.00 for each prepaid ticket advice issued by
Delta. This service charge is not subject to any discount and cannot be refunded.
EXCEPTION 1: The prepaid ticket advice (PTA) service charge will not apply when prepayment
is made by the U.S. federal government and the form of payment is:
1) U.S. Government Transportation Request (GTR).
2) MasterCard with the following numbers 5568-0 through 5568-3.
3) Visa cards with the following numbers 4486-0 through 4486-3 or 4716-0 through 4716-3.
and the following conditions exist:
a) The passenger is booked less than 24 hours prior to the departure date (not including
weekends or holidays) and
b) The ticket cannot be delivered by other means (including overnight express) in time for
passenger’s travel.
Delta reserves the right to collect the maximum fee allowable by the state in which the check
was issued without notice. This charge is nonrefundable and is not subject to any discount.
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A portion of travel for some itineraries marketed by Delta may be provided on the Delta
Connection carriers: Chautauqua, Compass Airlines, Endeavor Air, ExpressJet, GoJet
Airlines, Shuttle America, and SkyWest; codeshare partners Alaska Airlines, American Eagle,
Hawaiian Airlines, Horizon Air Industries dba Horizon/Alaska Airlines. If any carrier other
than Delta is operating a flight, we will identify that carrier in our schedules and in written or
oral communications with you during the booking process. Except where specifically noted,
all terms of transportation applicable to Delta specified in these conditions of carriage apply
to flights operated by the Delta Connection carriers, and to codeshare flights when
marketed by Delta.
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