Motor Vehicle
Safety Defects
And Recalls
What Every Vehicle Owner
Should Know
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................1
Purpose .....................................................2
Frequently Asked Questions on Recalls ............................2
When Is a Recall Necessary? ..................................2
What Is a Safety-Related Defect? ...............................2
Examples of Defects Considered Safety-Related ..................3
Examples of Defects Not Considered Safety-Related ...............4
How Can I Report a Safety Problem to NHTSA?....................4
How Will My Report Be Used? .................................5
Will I Be Contacted? .........................................7
How Many Reports Must Be Filed Before NHTSA
Investigates an Issue? ........................................7
How Does NHTSA Conduct an Investigation? .....................8
What Happens When NHTSA Determines a
Safety Defect Exists? ........................................10
If NHTSA Makes a Final Decision, Can the Manufacturer
Challenge That Decision? ....................................10
Do Manufacturers Ever Initiate Recalls Without a
Government Order?.........................................11
How Will I Be Notified If a Recall Is Ordered or Initiated? ...........11
How Are Problems With Recalled Vehicles or
Equipment Remedied? ......................................12
If I Pay for Needed Repairs Before a Recall Is Ordered,
Am I Entitled to Reimbursement? ..............................12
Are There Any Limitations to My Right to Have a Recalled
Vehicle Remedied at No Charge?..............................13
What About Tire Recalls? ....................................13
What If a Dealer Denies My Right to Have a Recalled Vehicle
Remedied at No Charge? ....................................14
Once a Recall Is Initiated, Can I Take Independent Legal
Action for Injuries I May Have Suffered?.........................14
Where Can I Find Additional Resources on Recalls and
Other Vehicle Safety Issues?..................................15
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
In 2015, approximately 35,092 lives were lost on our Nation’s highways.
Although that number represents a 17.8-percent decrease in traffic fatalities
since 2006, more can still be done to address this issue on our Nation's
highways. Traffic crashes are the primary cause of debilitating injuries in
the United States and the number one killer of Americans 11 years old
and those 16 to 24. In addition to staggering emotional costs, the annual
economic loss to society because of these crashes, in terms of worker
productivity, medical costs, insurance costs, etc., is estimated at more than
$230 billion. Clearly, there is a need for dramatic improvement in motor
vehicle safety. Getting unsafe vehicles off the road is integral to improving
safety and saving lives.
The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act gives NHTSA the authority
to issue vehicle safety standards and to require manufacturers to recall
vehicles that have safety-related defects or do not meet Federal safety
standards. Since the Act was enacted in 1966, NHTSA has recalled more
than 390 million cars, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, motorcycles,
and mopeds, as well as 46 million tires, 66 million pieces of motor vehicle
equipment, and 42 million car seats due to safety defects.
Manufacturers voluntarily initiate many of these recalls, while others are
either influenced by NHTSA investigations or ordered by NHTSA via the
courts. If a safety defect is discovered, the manufacturer must notify
NHTSA, as well as vehicle or equipment owners, dealers, and distributors.
The manufacturer is then required to remedy the problem at no charge
to the owner. NHTSA is responsible for monitoring the manufacturer’s
corrective action to ensure successful completion of the recall campaign.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
The purpose of this booklet is to answer the most commonly asked
questions about how and why recall campaigns are initiated, and to inform
consumers of their rights and responsibilities when a vehicle or item of
motor vehicle equipment is recalled. In these pages, you’ll discover how to
report a safety-related problem to NHTSA, as well as how participation by
vehicle owners like you helps to keep motor vehicles as safe as possible.
See the following section for comprehensive answers to some of the most
frequently asked questions (FAQs) NHTSA receives on recalls.
Frequently Asked Questions on Recalls
When Is a Recall Necessary?
When a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment (including tires)
does not comply with a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.
When there is a safety-related defect in the vehicle or equipment.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards set minimum performance
requirements for those parts of the vehicle that most affect its safe
operation (brakes, tires, lighting, etc.) or that protect drivers and
passengers from death or serious injury in the event of a crash (air bags,
seat belts, car seats and booster seats, energy absorbing steering
columns, motorcycle helmets, etc.). These Federal Standards are
applicable to all vehicles and vehicle-related equipment manufactured
or imported for sale in the United States (including U.S. territories) and
certified for useon public roads and highways.
What Is a Safety-Related Defect?
The United States Code for Motor Vehicle Safety (Title 49, Chapter 301)
defines motor vehicle safety as “the performance of a motor vehicle
or motor vehicle equipment in a way that protects the public against
unreasonable risk of accidents occurring because of the design,
construction, or performance of a motor vehicle, and against unreasonable
risk of death or injury in an accident, and includes nonoperational safety
of a motor vehicle.” A defect includes “any defect in performance,
construction, a component, or material of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle
equipment.” Generally, a safety defect is defined as a problem that exists in
a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment that:
poses a risk to motor vehicle safety, and
may exist in a group of vehicles of the same design or manufacture, or
items of equipment of the same type and manufacture.
Examples of Defects Considered Safety-Related
Steering components that break suddenly, causing partial or complete loss
of vehicle control
Problems with fuel system components, particularly in their susceptibility to
crash damage, which result in leakage of fuel and may cause vehicle fires
Accelerator controls that break or stick
Wheels that crack or break, which may result in loss of vehicle control
Engine cooling fan blades that break unexpectedly, causing injury to
people working on a vehicle
Windshield wiper assemblies that fail to operate properly
Seats and/or seat backs that fail unexpectedly during normal use
Critical vehicle components that break, fall apart, or separate from the
vehicle, causing potential loss of vehicle control or injury to people inside
or outside the vehicle
Wiring system problems that result in a fire or loss of lighting
Car ramps or jacks that may collapse and cause injury to someone working
on a vehicle
Air bags that deploy under conditions for which they are not intended to
Car seats and booster seats that contain defective safety belts, buckles, or
components that create a risk of injury not only in a vehicle crash, but also
in the nonoperational safety of a motor vehicle
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
Examples of Defects Not Considered Safety-Related
Air conditioners and radios that do not operate properly
Ordinary wear of equipment that has to be inspected, maintained, and
replaced periodically (e.g., shock absorbers, batteries, brake pads and
shoes, and exhaust systems)
Nonstructural or body panel rust
Quality of paint or cosmetic blemishes
Excessive oil consumption
How Can I Report a Safety Problem to NHTSA?
If you think your vehicle or equipment may have a safety defect, reporting it
to NHTSA is an important first step to take to get the situation remedied and
make our roads safer. If the agency receives similar reports from a number
of people about the same product, this could indicate that a safety-related
defect exists that would warrant the opening of an investigation. In order to
make it convenient for consumers to report any suspected safety defects to
NHTSA, the agency offers two ways to file such complaints.
Vehicle Safety Hotline
NHTSA operates the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Vehicle
Safety Hotline to collect accurate and timely information from consumers
on vehicle safety problems. Call 888-327-4236 or 800-424-9393 toll-free
from anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands
to register complaints or receive recall information about a vehicle. The
Hotline also has Spanish-speaking representatives and offers a dedicated
number, 800-424-9153, for use by people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
When you call the Hotline to report a vehicle-related safety issue, you will
be asked to provide certain critical information that agency technical staff
needs in order to evaluate the problem. The information you provide is
filed on a Vehicle Owner’s Questionnaire (VOQ), entered into the agency’s
consumer-complaint database, and forwarded to NHTSA technical staff for
VOQs filed through the Hotline will be mailed to you for verification of data.
In addition, you will receive an explanation of how your report will be used,
as well as a request for written authorization allowing NHTSA to provide
your personal identifiers (e.g., name, address and telephone number)
to the manufacturer of the alleged defective product you own. Note that
you are not required to provide such authorization. However, sharing this
information with the manufacturer can help facilitate the recall process.
You can also report a vehicle safety issue to NHTSA
online at our vehicle safety website: www.nhtsa.gov. Select “File a
Complaint” within the Defects and Recalls section of the home page. The
information you submit via the website is recorded in VOQ format, entered
into our consumer complaint database, and provided to our technical staff
for evaluation.
When you fill out a VOQ online, you will be given the option of checking a
box to authorize or not authorize the release of your personal identifiers to
the manufacturer of the alleged defective product you own. Again, while
you are not required to provide such authorization, doing so can help
facilitate the recall process.
How Will My Report Be Used?
Information you provide on the questionnaire is entered into the NHTSA
consumer complaint automated database, and catalogued according
to vehicle make, model, model year, manufacturer, and the affected
part, assembly, or system. These reports, with the consumer’s personal
identifiers removed, are listed on www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/downloads
and updated weekly. Citizen and consumer reports help NHTSA and
manufacturers to determine if a safety recall is warranted, and also
provide motorists with valuable information about potential safety problems
currently under review.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
Will I Be Contacted?
In some cases, an investigator from the Office of Defects Investigation
(ODI) may call to clarify or verify information from your report. Unfortunately,
the large volume of reports received by the agency does not permit a
return call for each report filed. Questions about whether your concern
involves an investigation or recall are best answered by contacting the DOT
Vehicle Safety Hotline or by searching on NHTSA.gov.
NHTSA technical staff conducts a continuous analysis of these reports to
determine whether an unusual number of complaints of potential safety-
related problems have been received on any specific line of vehicles,
tires, or equipment (e.g., car seats, booster seats, jacks, trailer hitches).
The number of reported complaints and the severity of the outcomes are
carefully reviewed by technical staff and measured against the number of
vehicles (or items of equipment) manufactured, and how many years the
vehicles or equipment have been on the road.
This ongoing evaluation process allows NHTSA technical staff to determine
whether complaints represent isolated reports or a trend. If a trend is
suspected and a problem has a potential for causing a risk to safety, the
agency will open an investigation for more detailed analysis of the problem.
How Many Reports Must Be Filed Before
NHTSA Investigates an Issue?
There is no established number. Agency technical experts review each
and every call, letter, and online report of an alleged safety problem filed
with NHTSA. Although NHTSA has no jurisdiction over defects that are not
safety-related, it does review each report that suggests a potential safety
defect involving groups of motor vehicles or vehicle equipment.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
How Does NHTSA Conduct an Investigation?
The agency’s Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) investigative process
consists of four parts:
Screening – A preliminary review of consumer complaints and other
information related to alleged defects to decide whether to open an
Petition Analysis – An analysis of any petitions calling for defect
investigations and/or reviews of safety-related recalls.
Investigation – The investigation of alleged safety defects.
Recall Management – Investigation of the effectiveness of safety recalls.
The four-step process is outlined below:
1. Screening
When screening and analyzing information for potential safety defects,
ODI reviews volumes of data from multiple sources. This data includes but
is not limited to consumer complaints (also referred to as vehicle owner
questionnaires) submitted online at www.nhtsa.gov, through NHTSAs
Vehicle Safety Hotline, or via U.S. mail; data submitted by vehicle and
equipment manufacturers; anonymous tips; Congressional and consumer
letters; and social media content.
2. Petition Analysis
Any person may submit a petition requesting NHTSA to open an
investigation into an alleged safety defect. After conducting a technical
analysis of such a petition, ODI informs the petitioner whether it has been
granted or denied. If the petition is granted, a defect investigation is
opened. If the petition is denied, the reasons for the denial are published
in the Federal Register. Similarly, a person may submit a petition requesting
NHTSA to hold a hearing on whether a manufacturer has reasonably met its
obligation to notify and/or remedy a safety defect or noncompliance with a
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. If the petition is granted, a hearing
is held to assess the matter and decide what corrective action should be
taken. If the petition is denied, the reasons for the denial are published in
the Federal Register.
3. Investigation
During the investigative phase, ODI obtains information from the
manufacturer (including data on complaints, crashes, injuries, warranty
claims, modifications, and part sales) and determines whether further
analysis is warranted. At this stage, the manufacturer has an opportunity to
present its views regarding the alleged defect. Investigations are generally
resolved within 12 months from the date they are opened. They are either
closed on the basis that further investigation is not warranted, or because
the manufacturer has decided to conduct a recall. In the event that ODI
believes further analysis is warranted, the investigator will conduct a more
detailed and complete analysis of the character and scope of the alleged
The investigation may be supplemented with appropriate inspections,
tests, surveys, and additional information obtained from the manufacturer
and suppliers. The investigation may be closed if the manufacturer has
notified the agency that it will conduct a safety recall or if the agency
has not identified a safety-related defect. However, if ODI believes that
the data developed indicates that a safety-related defect exists, the ODI
investigator prepares a briefing to be presented to a panel of experts from
throughout the agency for peer review. If the agency panel concurs with
ODI’s recommendation that a recall should be conducted, ODI notifies the
manufacturer of the panel’s concurrence and may, if appropriate, provide a
final opportunity for the manufacturer to present new analysis or data. ODI
then sends a Recall Request Letter to the manufacturer.
4. Recall Management
The Recall Management Division (RMD) maintains the administrative
records for all safety recalls, and monitors these recalls to ensure that
the scope is appropriate, and that the recall completion rate and remedy
are adequate. NHTSAs monitoring of recall performance may lead to the
opening of a recall investigation if the facts appear to indicate a problem
with the recall adequacy or execution. A recall investigation can result in
expanding the scope of previously announced recalls, or in the adjustment
of existing recall remedies.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
What Happens When NHTSA Determines a
Safety Defect Exists?
NHTSAs Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) analyzes all available data to
assess the relative frequency and potential severity of any possible safety
defect. If a potential defect trend is observed, ODI pursues an investigation
and informs the manufacturer to provide additional data to further assess
whether a safety defect exists. The length of each investigation varies
as each safety issue is unique and addressed according to its specific
circumstances. If a safety defect determination is made by the agency,
ODI insists that the manufacturer issue a recall, notify owners of the safety
defect, and remedy the safety defect at no charge to the consumer.
If NHTSA Makes a Final Decision, Can the Manufacturer
Challenge That Decision?
Yes. Once the agency has made a final decision of a safety-related defect
and ordered a manufacturer to recall, the manufacturer may challenge that
order in a Federal District Court.
The agency can also go to court to compel a manufacturer to comply with
its order. Once a case is in court, the burden of proof lies with the agency.
In other words, the agency’s evidence that a defect exists and that it is
safety-related must be sufficient in the opinion of the court to outweigh
evidence to the contrary presented by the manufacturer.
While the case is in the courts, however, the manufacturer may be required
to notify consumers by letter that the agency did make a final decision of a
safety defect, but that the manufacturer is contesting the decision.
Do Manufacturers Ever Initiate Recalls Without a
Yes. Most decisions to conduct a recall and remedy a safety defect are
made voluntarily by manufacturers prior to any involvement by NHTSA.
Through their own tests, inspection procedures, and information-gathering
systems, manufacturers often discover that a safety defect exists or that
the requirements of a Federal safety standard have not been met. The
manufacturer is obligated to report such findings to NHTSA and take
appropriate action to correct the problem. However, as vehicles age with
use, certain design and performance problems may occur that prompt
vehicle owners to file complaints with NHTSA. The many reports received
by the public form the basis for NHTSAs defect investigations, which often
result in significant safety recalls.
How Will I Be Notified If a Recall Is Ordered or Initiated?
Within a reasonable time after the determination of a safety defect or
noncompliance, manufacturers must notify, by first-class mail, all registered
owners and purchasers of the affected vehicles of the existence of the
problem and give an evaluation of its risk to motor vehicle safety. The
manufacturer must explain to consumers the potential safety hazards
presented by the problem. Names of vehicle owners are obtained from
State motor vehicle offices. The letter must also instruct consumers on how
to get the problem corrected, remind them that corrections are to be made
at no charge, inform them when the remedy will be available, how long the
remedy will take to perform, and whom to contact if there is a problem in
obtaining the free recall work. If you do not receive a letter of notification
from the vehicle manufacturer but think that your vehicle might be involved
in a recall campaign, call the Vehicle Safety Hotline at 888-327-4236 or
800-424-9393, visit the NHTSA website at www.safercar.gov/vin or contact
the manufacturer or your dealer.
Manufacturers of motor vehicle equipment—particularly tires, car seats,
and boosters—maintain lists of owners who have registered their products
with the manufacturer. When product or equipment recalls are initiated,
the manufacturer uses these lists to directly notify owners. Product and
equipment manufacturers may also be required to notify the public of
recalls through a variety of additional methods (e.g., advertisements, point-
of-purchase posters, etc.) to ensure that as many owners as possible are
aware of the recalls. If you are unsure whether your tire, car seat, or booster
is the subject of a recall, you may contact the manufacturer, call the Vehicle
Safety Hotline, or use NHTSAs VIN lookup tool at www.safercar.gov/vin.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
How Are Problems With Recalled Vehicles or
Once a safety-defect determination is made, the law gives the
manufacturer three options for correcting the defect: repair, replacement,
or refund. In the case of a vehicle recall, the manufacturer may choose
to repair the vehicle at no charge; replace the vehicle with an identical or
similar vehicle; or refund the purchase price in full, minus a reasonable
allowance for depreciation. In the case of equipment—including tires,
car seats, and boosters—the manufacturer may either repair or replace
the affected equipment at no charge to the consumer, or refund the
If I Pay for Needed Repairs Before a Recall Is Initiated,
Am I Entitled to Reimbursement?
Yes, under certain conditions. Manufacturers are required to provide
reimbursement for certain costs incurred by owners to remedy safety
defect conditions prior to a recall. Vehicle manufacturers are required to
reimburse owners for costs incurred to remedy a defect based on either (1)
the date NHTSA opens its Engineering Analysis, or (2) one year prior to the
manufacturer’s notification of a defect to NHTSA, whichever is earlier. The
closing date of eligibility for reimbursement of repair of a motor vehicle is
10 days after the manufacturer mails the last of the owner notices informing
owners of a safety defect recall and cost-free remedy. For replacement of
equipment, the closing date is either the same as for motor vehicles or 30
days after the manufacturer’s closing of its efforts to provide public notice
of the existence of a defect, whichever is later. Documentation of the costs
is required for reimbursement. While the current reimbursement policy is a
relatively new requirement, manufacturers have in the past often voluntarily
agreed to absorb such costs, provided customers could prove the pre-
recall repairs remedied the defect in question.
Are There Any Limitations to My Right to Have My Vehicle
Remedied at No Charge?
Yes. There is a limitation based on the age of the vehicle. In order to
be eligible for a free remedy, the vehicle cannot be more than 15 years
old on the date the defect or noncompliance is determined. Under the
law, the age of the vehicle is calculated from the date of sale to the
first purchaser. For example, if a defect is found in 2003 and a recall
ordered, manufacturers are required to make the correction available at no
charge only for vehicles purchased new in 1994 through 2003. However,
consumers should realize that even though manufacturers are not obligated
to remedy safety defects in older cars, a safety problem might still exist. If
you receive notification of a defect on a vehicle older than 10 years, take
the responsibility to have your car repaired at your own expense – and
eliminate unnecessary safety risks.
Also, if the manufacturer challenges the agency’s final decision of a safety
defect, there is no obligation for the manufacturer to remedy the defect
while the case is in court. If you decide to have your vehicle remedied
at your own expense while the case is pending and the court upholds
NHTSAs final decision, you may be entitled to reimbursement. (Be sure to
save all receipts and paperwork so that you can prove the repairs were
made.) However, if the court ultimately rules the defect is not safety related,
Federal law does not require that the manufacturer reimburse you for the
repair work.
What About Tire Recalls?
The law requires tire manufacturers to repair or replace at no cost to
the consumer only those tires purchased within five years of the defect
or noncompliance determination. Furthermore, in order to obtain free
replacement or repair of a recalled tire, consumers must bring the tire to
the dealer within 180 days of receiving the recall notification letter from
the manufacturer. If replacements are not available when you present your
recalled tires, obtain a written acknowledgment from the dealer, and keep it
until the dealer notifies you that there are more tires in stock.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
What If a Dealer Denies My Right to Have a Recalled Vehicle
Remedied at No Charge?
If a dealer refuses to repair your vehicle in accordance with the recall
letter you received from the manufacturer, you should immediately notify
the manufacturer. In most cases, contractual agreements between a
manufacturer and its dealers require all dealers to honor the recall and
remedy defects at no extra charge – regardless of where the vehicle or
equipment was originally purchased.
Under the law, if a vehicle recall has been initiated, consumers are entitled
to the remedy without charge and within a reasonable time. In most cases,
there will be a time lag between the date of the manufacturer’s decision
that a recall is warranted or the agency’s final decision, and the date the
remedy is available to consumers.
This time is provided to allow manufacturers to identify owners of vehicles
or equipment included in the recall, develop remedial procedures, instruct
dealers on how to repair the defect, distribute the parts necessary for repair
or replacement to the dealerships, and send letters to consumers informing
them how the recall campaign will be conducted. A dealer is not required
by law to remedy a defect in a vehicle brought in for repair before this date.
Although consumers demanding immediate correction may feel they
are not receiving satisfactory resolution of the problem, there is no legal
recourse available at this stage – patience is the only alternative. In
instances where a manufacturer needs extended time to develop a remedy,
the agency will require the manufacturer to send an interim notice to ensure
that the consumer is aware of the recall, and to provide any short-term
actions that the consumer can take to lessen the likelihood of the defect
Once a Recall Is Initiated, Can I Take Independent Legal
Action for Injuries I May Have Suffered?
Yes. The law specifically states that the recall remedies are in addition to
other available legal remedies. To determine specific State law remedies,
you should consult a lawyer, your State attorney general, or your local
district attorney’s office.
Where Can I Find Additional Information on Recalls and Other
Vehicle Safety Issues?
Both the Hotline and the agency’s NHTSA.gov website are designed to
make it faster and easier for you to file a safety-related complaint with
NHTSA. However, both also serve as important sources of information
about recalled vehicles, recalled equipment such as car seats, and
ongoing safety defect investigations. In addition, the Hotline and NHTSA.
gov can provide you with updated NHTSA 5-star crash test results for both
new and used vehicles, information about safety bulletins, advice about
which new vehicles are equipped with side air bags and/or electronic
stability control, and a variety of other vehicle safety information.
Motor Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
DOT HS 808 795
Revised August 2017
Think your vehicle, tire, or car seat
has a safety defect?
If so, please contact us to file a complaint.
Visit: NHTSA.gov
Call: 888-327-4236
All complaints are carefully reviewed
by our team of safety experts.
We welcome your input.